Setting up mr aqua 12g in bedroom.. black sand or white?


New member
I have the fiji pink sand in both my tanks but kinda like the idea of black sand. seen black sand in vinces tank (from elite) and i liked it, something different from the norm. What are your opinions?
Bare bottom
Barebottom would be cool but with the tank being so small and only being able to add a few rocks. Im thinking itll look odd with no sand. Plus i was thinking about putting a goby in there. Possibly a circus goby (faois posted a pic a few days ago, cool little fish) so sand is most likely gonna have to happen lol
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Ya im not a fan of bare bottom either. Some tanks look decent BB but i think with such a small tank it just wont look good at all
Im thinking black it is. You hardly see people use black sand, well i dont see it locally anyways. I thought, as silly as it sounds, that maybe people dont use it because its not as fine grain as you can get white sand in?
i used hawaiian black sand in a 6 gal fluval edge...and my 55gal...and white caribe sand in a marineland 5....the black looks the best.
Be careful with black sand most are magnetic so it tends to pick up on mag accessories and very sharp pieces for sand sifting animals but I had a 30 with black and was nice for the bedroom kept the brightness down in the room and looked amazing
I may have a bad of "live" black sand that I bought about a month ago your welcome to have. Let me know if your interested and I'll see info can't see where the wife stashed it.
i had black sand in my biocube and it look great when i first filled up the tank, but man as time went on i hated it. the tank always looked gloomy i regretted it and will never do that again. i think there a good look for fresh water tanks but i personally did not like it at all.
Well the results is about 50/50. On the positive side if i dont like it its only a 12 gallong tank. I could always remove the rock, suck out the black sand and replace it with white if i dont like the black
White. It's more helpful in identifying parameter problems like high phosphates and nitrates (cyano growth/algae) especially if you don't test your params regularly. Even if your test comes up at 0ppm your sand won't lie.
White. It's more helpful in identifying parameter problems like high phosphates and nitrates (cyano growth/algae) especially if you don't test your params regularly. Even if your test comes up at 0ppm your sand won't lie.

I personally don't like the black sand. I like white powder sand. I think it makes the colors "pop" more and it look cleaner IMO
Tank back is black and that's where the color Pop comes from.
I'd go white aragonite also. Just a thin layer.