Shaft in Nanowavebox pump


New member
I have a quick question.....should the metal shaft be attached to the Nano Wavebox pump....the impeller should obviously be able to slide on and off

THe reason is my wavebox will run for awhile and then I have to tip it back to restart it for lack of a better term...

I noticed the shaft and a "ring" on the shaft seem to be free moving.


The shaft should be firmly pressed into the nano wavebox. What usually will cause this is if it some point the impeller or drive unit was cemented to the shaft by calcium and pulled out hard, I have also seen the heat created by friction from the shaft and impeller being partially cemented cause the plastic to soften enough for the shaft to come loose. I would see if you can't push it in and get it to stay to some extent, if it seats and isn't so loose it just wobbles or falls out, you can then tack it in with light, careful taps from a hammer, or if you have access to one, press it in with a hydraulic press, the top of the shaft should only protrude above the impeller well about 2mm.