Shannon Dual 210 Gallon Tank build

tagging along

tagging along

Hey, Shannon: Been following along. I read Nuclearheli's build thread with much interest, and adopted some of his ideas-{80/20 t-slot frame, PLED's}. I see you are doing a similar light project, so I'll be watching with interest. I have my T-slot [3/4 x 1-1/2- smooth sided], but haven't pulled the trigger on the LEDs yet. Looking forward to your next update. :beer:

Nice looking set-up you have going. bet ya can't wait to get it wet.:fish2:

As a side point, my wife and I lived in Fairbanks for 9 years and Barrow for a year and a half, back in the 70's and 80's. I don't know how you get away with your extended trips......every time I leave town I have to go to the LFS as soon as I get home:headwally:...................If you get my drift.
Thanks for the post dirrk. I am use to being gone a lot. I work on the north slope. I am in contact with my LFS and stop in every time I come home. I am using 80/20 for for my frame on my lighting. I have assembled it and cut the g11. I hope to have time tomorrow to drill out and mount the g11 but it is snow machine season. I am looking forward to water and fish I am just moving slow and trying to do it right the first time. I will do a full update this weeks with some new pics.
Latest update

Latest update

Here is the latest update. No pics as of right now. Might have some this weekend. Been busy with work and snow machining so not much has got done but it is time to focus and get it done.

  • Have a friend at the house this week doing the finish wood work on the tanks. This should be done or mostly done by March 15.
  • Decided to buy dynamat to make this set up as quite as possible.

  • Started drilling out the light frames to attach the G11 and the Safe touch lugs.
  • Ordered new LED drivers for the Whites this way I can create High noon with just the whites and then back to a 20 K.
  • Laid out the G11 and ready to start drilling.
  • Ordered the last of the lights and optics

  • Ordered Filter cartridges for my sump.
  • Ordered LifeReef protien skimmer
  • Ordered the last pumps need and plumbing
  • Received everything to upgrade my RO/DI unit to 150Gallon a day with a booster pump

  • 22 bags of Sand on order
  • Enough Salt for 1200 gallons on order
  • More rock on its way
  • The last of the Neptune modules and probes.
  • All have been ordered at my LFS
  • A friend blacked out the back of my tanks with self adhesive vinyl Black. Looks awesome

Things need to figure out
  • Figure out how I am going to have water drain into transfer tank with out creating bubbles or debris going in pumps
  • Where my water line will be for the Auto top off. My thought are in transfer tank not sump.
Heading to Lake Havasu and when I get back all stuff should be here and have 10 days off to work on it.
Thanks guys
I work on the North Slope in the Oil fields. I do Telecomm, Automation, FireFighter/EMT. I am jack of many trades and a master of none:)
All right time for more updates. I went on vacation and of course had to shop for my tank and spent a small grip. Here is my list of what I ordered

Life Reef
VS72 protein skimmer. Should be here Saturday

Bulk reef supply
2 panworld p100xx pumps
150 gallon upgrade to my RO/DI
Pressure pump for RO/DI
Auto shut off and flush
Almost last of plumbing

Mccarr master
Sylguard 182
Nylon pan head screws
275 Safe touch lugs
Kapton tape
mosc hardware

3 TRP drivers for white lights

22 bags of sand
1000 gallons of salt
The rest of my apex Neptune

Reef led lights
60 royal blue LEDs
40 blue LEDs
The rest of my optics
40 watt led driver

So much more

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Here is the progress.
Had another set back. I am finding out not to use friends to do work for you. Had a friend do the finish work on the tank and it was horrible. 20K tank and the finish work included 150 work of cheap lumber from Lowes. What a disappointment. Plus had him extend the tank stand by 3.5 inches so I could slide tanks over to use echo tech pumps. That was a failure to. Had a professional come to house today to take measurements. He happens to own the LFS and does amazing finish work. He is ordering Mapple for the project and should have it ready when I get home in 2 weeks. Yay!!!:thumbsup:

Fixed the stand and is ready.

  • The back of the display tanks has been blacked out with black vinyl. Looks sweet.
  • Drilled out and tapped heat sinks for lights
  • Drilled out G11 and ready to place on heat sink.
  • Coated Heat sinks with SR Kote
  • Installing the safe touch lugs
  • Kapton tape arrived today so hope to get lights assembled and wired.
  • Upgraded RO/DI unit and water flows much better.
  • Programming and updating the APex Neptune.

So in 2 weeks the tank should start looking like an actual tank and less of a project.

Going to start on making a batch of rock tonight.

Pics hopefully tonight
Pics of goods Recieved

Pics of goods Recieved

Got my last 2 Pan world Pumps p100XX
3 TRP LED Drivers EUC-150S700DT
150 GPH RO/DI membrane kit
8800 Booster Pump
Auto Flush Valve
Auto Shut off Valve
Auto Top off floats
4 more quarter turn cepex valves




SmartHome hydrostat
150 PLED's for lights
Sylgaurd 182
Kapton thermal tape
400 Nylons screws





1000 Gallons worth of salt
22 bags of live sand
Lights Kapton Thermal Tape

Lights Kapton Thermal Tape

Had to remove the safe touch lugs for replace the screws.
Put the Kapton Tape on the surface for the LEDS







That's all the pictures and progress for this week. Will be out of town till April 5th and that is when it should get interesting and start looking like a tank. Finish work will be installed that week.
New Lights Wire Diagram

New Lights Wire Diagram

Here is the latest wiring diagram. Change things around a little in order to have more blues than whites and to be able to control them separately. This way I can hopefully get 20K and 10K for high noon.

On another note my Life Reef Skimmer has finally made it to the post office in town. Wife will pick it up on Saturday and have it sitting at the house for me. When I get home it will be like Christmas all over again.