Shannon Dual 210 Gallon Tank build

Long over due update.

Long over due update.

Long over due update. I will be uploading new pics tonight. Well I have had water flowing in tank 1. Everything seems to be doing great. Ordered second tank and will be at LFS Weds. I will be out of town for a couple weeks so when I get back it should be here. Decided to drill 2 more holes from garage to have four 1" drains back to the display tanks.

I have made a couple hundred pounds of rock. I have it soaking in a stock tank for the next month. This should harden it and dissolve the salt out of it. The rock seems really porris.

The wire for the lights has arrived. I have more than half the LED stars and the PLED's for my lights. I will be starting to solder the star and PLEDs soon.

Next post Pics
Drilling Out Transfer Tank

Drilling Out Transfer Tank







Last of the pics for now. Will have more. I will be gone for about 3 weeks but will continue to buy the rest of the parts. I would like to have fish swimming in the tank for Christmas if I can. Stay tuned for the next update.
Nice progress. My only concern is having the QT tank plumbed into your main DTs. If you have a sick fish or have to treat it the disease can make its way into the DTs.
Nice progress. My only concern is having the QT tank plumbed into your main DTs. If you have a sick fish or have to treat it the disease can make its way into the DTs.

Yes have thought about that. If I end up with a sick fish the tank will be blocked off and clean after use. This is so I do not have to maintain two different systems. I am hoping not to use it much with sick fish. If I end up with a sick fish they QT will be separated and then see if it ever goes back to the main system. I know other people that have a hospital tank that is not up and running until they have a sick fish. I am thinking this is a way to have it ready to go.


I am picking up the second tank Thursday when I get home. Long overdue. I have ordered the rest of the pumps and stuff to plumb it in.

I have decided to have a QT stand alone with on over the back filter. Thinking of setting that up in a few weeks and start using in it.

Pictures next week
Long Over due update.

Long Over due update.

Things have been going slow since I have been out of town most of the time. I got back and spent a week working on the tank setup and next week will be home working on it. After that I will not be home till 7 January 2012 and be around for 3 weeks. At this point I plan the tank cycling. So where to start.

Things that have been done
  1. Second Tank has been put on stand and plumbed. I filled with water and circulated both tanks. Worked very nice.
  2. Moved rock i have made into one tank and have Clean water with low flow in the tank.
  3. Rebuilt sump area to a more usable space
  4. Moved RO/DI system to Sump/Sink area.
  5. I have started soldering LED's and PLED's for lighting system
  6. Frame for lighting system is and will pick up Thursday

Things to Come
  1. Put light frame together and assemble main light system
  2. Will finish soldering LED's that I have this week at work.
  3. Next week finish sump area
  4. Drill two more drain holes through wall. This will allow me to have four 1" drain lines back to DT's
  5. Monday 12 December will build the sump with a friend.
  6. Make more rock. Lots more rock.
  7. Get backing for wiring and control units. Get all control units screwed to backing wired up and start programming.
  8. Get friend out to house to measure tank stand and start building finish panels for tank

Quarantine Tank
Has been move to my hobby room and is a 55 gallon stand alone tank with an over the back sponge filter system. Pics to come on this maybe next week when I get tank cleaned up and setup at house.

Pics to follow
Sump Plans

Sump Plans

The sump will be 4'x3'x2'. Baffles and water level will be at 18" and return area at 14". This should give me plenty of water in the sump and room left over if sump gets over filled. I will be using two 2" drain holes Tee'd off to 1" for my drain lines. To fill the sump will be two 1" lines coming from transfer tank and entering in 4 locations. 1 Will be into Refuguim, 2 and 3 will be into Skimmer area, and 4 will be into 4 cartridges (lifereef) in return area. I will have plenty of room for heater, probes, and other pumps needed.

Front View

Top View

Back View
Time to update the thread. Things are moving just not as fast as I wanted. New plan to put the first resident in the tank has been moved from Jan to April. I just do not have the time to get it all set up and do it right. So on word with the update.


I have been soldering LED and PLED's for my lighting system. That is coming along and hope to see light in Jan when I get home. The parts for the light frame have shown up and I have been getting ready for assemble of the frame.


We start last Monday on the sump. The size of the sump is 4' x 3' x 2'. This is a large sump and has different thickness of acrylic. The bottom is ½ and the top is 7/16". The place I get my acrylic did not have enough 3/8 for what I needed. The sump is together and ready for water. When I get home I will fill with water and check for leaks. This is my first build on a sump and it came out nice. I learned a lot and know what to do for the next time to make better.

Things to do in January

I am out of town until Jan 7 and will be home in Jan for 3 whole weeks. I am planning on getting a lot done. So here is my list and we will see what I get done.
  • Level and secure Sump Stand
  • Drill 2 More holes from Sump to DT's
  • Secure Sink to wall
  • Check Sump for leaks
  • Put plumbing on Sump
  • Plumb between sump, DT's and Transfer tank.
  • Frame in Sump Stand
  • Put backing up for Control Modules
  • Install Control Module I have
  • Have water flow between all tanks
  • Finish transfer tank anti Bubble system (This I am still not sure what I am going to do)
  • Make lots more rock and let soak
  • Put Light Frames together
  • Figure out how I will hang lights and hang them
  • Glue lights on frame
  • Wire lights
  • Finish Vent to outside
  • Get Network to Sump/Filtration

Picture will be up soon. Downloading them now.