Sharing a few Pictures


Just wanted to share some pictures :)

Birds Nest

A. nana (growing from a frag i cut off)

A. hoeksemai

A. valida (i think)

Tip of my stag

A. ihavenoideawhatitis

Frag from A. ihavenoideawhatitis
"A. ihavenoideawhatitis" I think I have a few of those too! LOL. Thats the funiest thing I have read on here in a while.
iREEF69 - I have a similar valida like yours, but I've never seen its polyps. It was brown with pink tips when I got it, now it's just all brown, w/out any PE. It's not dead, that's for sure, cuz I don't see any RTN or algae growth on it.
So what could be wrong w/ it? It doesn't do anything
FSOL- it could be alot of things, probably of the main reasons why corals dont color up. here's an older pic of my valida.

I give more nutrients than probably needed.

DT"s oyster eggs, marine plankton, bio/phyto plankton, cyclopeeze, and Prodibio products as well.

Are there SPS that just don't have any polyps?
I dont feed the tank anything like that..just stable water quality/parameters and lots of light :D

Here's a picture of my stag.


I need to buy more frags/colonies..I have tons of space left :D
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Very nice D. THat birds nest is awesome, from the pic it looks like it has blue polyps. Its good to see that the tank is doing good.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7341421#post7341421 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iReef69
I need to buy more frags/colonies..I have tons of space left :D
Just give it more time ... else you'll have to rid yourself of those same pieces after another year.

Nice pieces :)
Thanks! This thread has come back from the dead. Looking at these pics i see that the growth now is alot!..ill try to post more pics.
Not a formosa. give me a couple mins. Ok maybe cerealis but not so sure because of size.
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