SHARK BOD....please contact me


SWFMAS Event Coordinator
Hi, my name is Jeff. I am with the Southwest Florida Marine Aquarium Society (SWFMAS). For the past two years, I have been keeper of "the list". I keep the list of the points of contacts for each of the clubs in Florida. The purpose of this is to allow the clubs to communicate with each other. I also keep up with the big events of other clubs and try to make sure that everyone knows what is going on around the state. We don't want to have two reef conferences the same weekend!

So, if someone could PM me the club's point of contact info, I will update "the list" and make sure they get a copy.

You can add me as a contact, i'm currently the treasurer / web guy / membership guy. My name is Matt

Also, Ted (aka reefrubble), will probably chime in as well, he's the founder / pres. of SHARK.

We haven't really setup a board as of yet so it's just us two for now.