Shopping today, Where to go.


New member
I have to be in Mandarin for an appointment between 2-4 today and would like to pick up 3-4 False Percs & some Phosban from somewhere while I am out. Living on the wsetside stinks as we have absolutely nothing for a good LFS to deal with.

So, Does anyone know who has these items without me having to drive all over the palce that may be somewhat on my way or slightly off my path? I prefer the Tank Bred/Raised false percs but will consider wild caught.
2 places that I know have the phosban (seachem) is Pet Creations on main & Ocean Reef @ the beach...I know this beacuase I've recently visited both...
Yep, it's sprung's 2LF stuff. Works great too. It took my phosphate levels from .25 three weeks ago to .01 last night (Salifert). I used it at 5x the normal dose (max dose) though. As for locally I can't help you there, but Phosban does work well....
The Ocean's Blend Phosphate Remover is very similar to Phosban and Rowaphos. It uses the same Fe02 (Ferric Oxide/Hydroxide) method to remove the phosphates and silicates. For some reason, no one advertises the silicate removal properties, but if you are using dechlorinated tap water for top off and water changes, it's definitely important.

OB Phosphate remover should be able to found at any store in Jax.
Thanks for all the replies. Looks like it's going to have to be tomorrow or Sunday before I can shop now. My wife is very sick this afternoon and I am taking over the girls for her.
I had very limited success with the phosguard from seachem (the white pellets right?) It only slightly lowered my phosphates for a very limited time. I used the Oceans Blend that Rob spoke of and had good results with it too. It seems the general consensus is any phosphate remover of the ferric oxide type (brown) works much better. It was my experience that it's superior...JME :)
I believe ferric oxide to be superior too. I purchase my Oceans Blend from Robs Reef but you can find it at Atlantis and it may be a Bio Reef. I think the Oceans Blend may be a little less expensive than the other brands. It is the same thing and of the same quality.

Back to the topic, I just came back from Atlantis with the most awesome blasto ever. Check them out, they had bunches of acros, superman danae, and another blasto left.
:confused: ok, I'm confused ... what does blastos, etc. have to do with looking for percs and Phosban? ... or did I just misread the initial post?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6937022#post6937022 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefneckWidow
:confused: ok, I'm confused ... what does blastos, etc. have to do with looking for percs and Phosban? ... or did I just misread the initial post?

Once again! Another hijacked thread!!:D