Should I attach a drain tube to my skimmer's collection cup?


New member
I have a G2 and I'm considering attaching a drain tube to my skimmer's collection cup to ease removal. The downside is that I won't see how well the skimmer is performing. What does everyone else do?
I think that some people feel it's not needed because as the tank matures the cup fills very infrequently so why bother! Others like to see the contents and be able to verify if anything wierd is happening, but some people do drill it out, some put the hole a little way up so they can see some of the contents, others drill it low and let everything drain. Personaly I like to see whats in it and I only need to clean it out every 4 days so it's no biggie.
Do it for peace of mind, but don't do it so you can be lazy and clean your skimmer less often. The neck still needs to be cleaned regularly for optimal performance.
i wouldn't do it on a G2, mostly because the plastic is very brittle and hard to drill without cracking.

and just like everyone else said, you'll need to clean the neck more often than you'll likely need to empty it.
I have mine (AquaC Ev150) drilled about half way up the cup and the elbow fitting pointing up so the cup will fill all the way to the top before coming out the hole.

The thing I don't like about drain tubes is if the skimmer goes nuts and starts venting tank water, you can empty your tank (or at least your sump) pretty quick, especially when you happen to be sleeping or at work. :rolleyes:
And this is probably the number one reason NOT to use them, good thing "Entropy"remembered because this can happen. Couple this with Autotopoff and you have not just an empty sump but maybe a fresh water tank to greet you when you get home.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6532193#post6532193 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Entropy
The thing I don't like about drain tubes is if the skimmer goes nuts and starts venting tank water, you can empty your tank (or at least your sump) pretty quick, especially when you happen to be sleeping or at work. :rolleyes:
You can prevent the "tank from draining" and still use a drain tube in your cup. The cup should drain to sealed container with a vent tube inserted into it. Once the container fills past the bottom of the vent tube, the skimmer cup can no longer drain into the container, effectivly shutting down the skimmer.

Thanks to everyone for all of the responses. One reason I'm thinking of the drain tube is that there isn't a convenient sink nearby to dispose of it in. I do have a drain line from my tank and was thinking of connecting the drain tube to it.

Those of you that do have a drain line, what size tubing do you use?
I use the drain tube on my LIFEREEF. works like a charm trick is, you need to have the collection container in your sump! just in case as mentioned your skimmer goes nut. it can happen
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6536334#post6536334 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by frank10
I do have a drain line from my tank and was thinking of connecting the drain tube to it.
You have a drain line for when you do water changes, correct? Which you only use once a week or so?

I'm just thinking out loud. . .
No matter how you would connect the skimmer's drain to the drain pipe, I don't think the skimmate would be liquified enough to travel down the pipe and go through the trap. I think it would just lay there, dry out, smell-something awful, and possibly clog the drain tube.
I have anew G2 also;

this is what I do. I fill an air tube with tao water, place one end in the bottom of the skimmer cup and syphon the skimmate into a cup then toss it.

then you don't have to remove the cup every time or even turn off the skimmer. ;)
The thing I don't like about drain tubes is if the skimmer goes nuts and starts venting tank water, you can empty your tank (or at least your sump) pretty quick, especially when you happen to be sleeping or at work. :rolleyes:

that's why my collection jug is in my sump. worst case, it dumps a day or two of skimmate back into my tank if the skimmer goes crazy and starts to flood.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6536618#post6536618 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rick s
You have a drain line for when you do water changes, correct? Which you only use once a week or so?

I'm just thinking out loud. . .
No matter how you would connect the skimmer's drain to the drain pipe, I don't think the skimmate would be liquified enough to travel down the pipe and go through the trap. I think it would just lay there, dry out, smell-something awful, and possibly clog the drain tube.

yes, you are corect about the drain line.

asmskimmer sells a 1/2" elbow that they recommend for a drain line.

I think what I will do is attach a 1/2" elbow, attach some 1/2" vinyl tubing to the elbow and elevate the tubing so it doesn't automatically drain. Then, when I want to empty the cub, I can stick the tube in my drain line and dump some water in the collection cup to help clean it and flow out the gunk.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6536903#post6536903 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by manderx
that's why my collection jug is in my sump. worst case, it dumps a day or two of skimmate back into my tank if the skimmer goes crazy and starts to flood.


That is also a good idea.
Collection jug in the sump does sound like a good idea, but then I would get lazy and never clean the skimmer. I am bad enough about it now as it is. :)
Great topic. I was about to ask the same thing. I have my skimmer cup going straight into my drain. I started doing this because on occasion, my skimmer would go nuts and flood my closet. With it going into the drain, I can't see how much it pulls out. The skimmer cup keeps getting crusty, so I know its still pulling stuff out. The comfort of no flooding outweighs the fact that I can't calculate how much exactly I take out.
Man how much stuff are you guys getting in your cups per day?
Mine would take about 7-10 days to get filled! If I added a jug it might be 2 months before that filled, yikes the smell! On the other hand it seems like a good idea if you leave your tank unattended for a week but under normal circumstances it seems like an invitation not to clean your skimmer throat as often as you should.
I have an ETSS 800 on a BB SPS tank. I wet-skim my tank and I get amost a gal a day. So I need an external overflow.

I had a EuroReef on my mixed DSB tank and I needed to remove, dump, and clean the cup and neck about once a week.

No matter what skimmer you have, it is important to regularly clean your neck.