Should I use egg crate on the bottom???


New member
I got this last night, just in case, as I was picking up some PVC pipes, GFI outlets, etc...


Is it recommended to use these egg crates in the bottom to prevent an accident with a rock? or the sand bed is enough to absord the fall if it happens??

I am putting in 200lbs of sand...
I'm using it. I will set all rocks & PVC structures on it, then cover with sand. It gives the rock a good grip on something and somewhat protects the bottom. It can be argued that it interferes with the natural shifting & flow of the microfauna in the sand and can create anarobic zones. However, since it is only .25" thick, I can't see how this will happen. Also the idea of a DSB is to create this anarobic enviorment anyway. Just my opinion but hopefully others with more experience will post.
theres a thread out there that says the chemicals in the plastic leacj out but I havent seen proof or anyone showing a dissolved create. I use a layer as well and agree, just vreats a little cushion with no ill effects.
The typical egg crate that you pick up at a hardware store will leach chemicals out. Nothing that will kill coral or anything, but does promote nuisance algae growth such as briopsis. There is a simple solution for your egg crate needs... Acrylic egg crate. Not sure the best place to get it, but I'm sure it'll come up if you google it.

As far as putting it under the sand- I've only used it for plenums(which I don't do anymore/still DSB though), but I like the idea of it helping keep the rocks in place.
Everything you put into your system is going to leach something into your system. Just look at all the places that Grow and sell coral and how much egg crate they have in tehre systems.
IMO if its leaches anything out it would also deterioate. havent seen any crate doing that in anyone thread so I'm not a believer, I also havent seen any briopsis in my older tank and that was set up for six years before I tore it down. could be right but I see no evidence.