show and tell -- pics of my tank


New member
I thought I'd take a moment to share my tank. This is a 90g that I combined my nanos into. Well, the tang is new. I don't need the tang police on my tail. ; )

I'm still trying to nurse some corals back to health from being kept in a too small aquarium during the cycle. Try to ignore the bleached polyps.

Now, on to the show...


green hammer


crocea clams


Brownie, the powder brown tang



This is Skipper taking it easy on his favorite look out spot.


war coral


Homer and his home



Gretta the gramma.

Well, I guess that's all. Thanks for taking the time to look. = )
Don't want to leave anyone out.


Here are the twins. There is actually a third banished to the rocks. So much for a peaceful shoal of chalk bass.


Corey, the yellow coris wrasse

I would like to thank my girls for all their help finding "just right" names for the fish.


And, finally, a full tank shot.
its looking good
I feel your pain about the corals, the 6 gal I had some of mine in, heater messed up. yeah the corals do not like the 90s
looks like we are both getting adjusted.
I am loving the room! So many decisions to make on how to fill the space. I've got to get to Memphis soon so I can pick up some new additions from Kermit's and Memfish.

Malisa, I saw your thread on the 28g HQI. It's looking good! I love your rockwork. No matter how hard I try, I always end up with a rock wall. lol I hope you are enjoying yours as much as I am enjoying mine.

That blenny has so much personality. He kills me kicking back on that toadstool all the time. I swear I almost think he surveying his kingdom sometimes.
I'm very glad to still have him. I thought he had perished in the 20g aquarium that I crammed all my stuff into during the cycle. I hadn't seen him in quite sometime before I moved everything into the "big tank". Then about a week later something caught my eye. Sure enough, there he was poking his little head out of the same hole he's been living in since the beginning. Kicker is, I pulled that rock out one tank then walked down the hall and dropped into the other. No sissy acclimation for him!
Ducklabdad, I've admired the powder brown in your avatar for quite sometime. When I found this one I had to have him. He's been ideal so far...eating like a pig and ich free. (Knock on wood)
Really a nice l;ooking tank - I know what you mean about the blennie mine owns his tank too.
I'm not sure if you're set with the aquascaping of the corals but something I learned with the aquarium in the Chili's Center here is shade. Put the branching stonies up high and the plating ones below them. That way the light still gets to the plating corals below.
Hi Vicki! I've been around. I'm sure I'll see you at the next frag swap, if not before. You, Marcus and I may have to get another livestock order together sometime now that I've got space to fill. ;)

Marcus, the lords are one of the few corals that didn't seem to suffer in the 20g while this one cycled. You gotta love 'em.

bshumake, that's a good point and one I hadn't considered. I'll re-evaluate my positioning of some of the corals. Thanks for pointing that out!