Show me your favorite SPS

My name, Milli, that is from the Millepora~ccc(Forgive me, my gramma was to fail, so...:P)
I'm lovin' it^^

The milleporas are very powerful, beautyful, changeable and colorful.So,I am Fall in the world of corals.

Lately i will shave that thing but i cannot send it to USA .It is to be regretted.
Look at my Green Monster. it looks exactly purple monster but in green color...
this week it this sps that is turning from poop brown to blue/green something or other, now that the red buds are history

justgettinstarted said:
key, i have that same tenuis, it has an awesome color when it fully colors up!
I had it totally blue at one point and them moved it too far down and away fron the lighting and lost it, it's now in a happier spot and coloring up nicely

I think this is my favorite at the moment. The yellow parts are actually a more vibrant lemon color now. No guess as to what kind of acro it is though.

Its actually bluer than in the pic. Any I.D. guesses?
It's a aquacultured coral that came in on the bottle tops if that helps out