Show me your frag/prop tanks

Here are Mitch Carls prop tanks.





Not the best pics. Travis or Lunch may have some because I believe they went to the calfo talk recently.

nebraskareef - yeah i got some pics of those! i was drooling when i saw all the "frags" in there. they were COLONIES and NOT frags!! they were amazing though!!!

To keep the eggcrate clean I use about 150 astrea snails, and then I use cerith and nassarius to control die off and detritus.
Lunch- It really is a jaw dropper in person. Those really are terrible pics. I just remember my face hurting from smiling so much, you know the "head is about to explode" feeling.

Thats what I got when I was looking at the prop tanks. There was just SO MUCH in them, I was really taken back by it.

If you get a chance, post those pics you've got, I'd really like to see them!