Gary Majchrzak Team RC Apr 3, 2002 #24 WOW! Those overhead clam shots always move me.Skip the DIAMONDS and EMERALDS, beautiful clams are the jewels I want!
WOW! Those overhead clam shots always move me.Skip the DIAMONDS and EMERALDS, beautiful clams are the jewels I want!
6-line New member Apr 3, 2002 #25 Gary, I agree completely. A colorful Acropora humilis colony positioned right next to them don't hurt, either!
Gary, I agree completely. A colorful Acropora humilis colony positioned right next to them don't hurt, either!
T toptank In Memoriam Apr 3, 2002 #28 Nice Pic SAMZ nice looking Squamosa Got a few like that a few days ago. Barry
original-reefland Reefer Apr 3, 2002 #31 OJsreef - I got it from Brian Griffin aka "Reefers" back when he used to be in business.