Show off your Montipora pics!!

schanz: I forgot to mention that the monti hispida and the green w/ orange polyp digitata ARE from you and they are doing fantastic!

here is another pic ...

DeepBlue8 said:

What type of Monti are these - I think I have the same coral and not sure what it is. It's formed like the first pick with all the little bumps and random polyps, but mine is beige flesh and purple polyps like the second pic..

Rob, when was that most recent pic taken of your green cap? That thing is getting so huge. I have some that I got from you a long time ago and it is still growing. I've also acquired a few new ones. ;)
Wait, that is a different one. Do you have a recent pic of the big green cap? How is the tank coming along since you redid it?
Sorry, but just a quick question here. I noticed that in many of the pics, the monti caps are placed REALLY close to each other. My question is, do montis 'burn' each other if they're placed too close, or do they grow around each other?
Coral ID

Coral ID

carpetride said:
Hey guys could someone give me a positive ID on the blue coral to the right of the monti. It was thrown in a freebie and nearly dead when I got it but has colored up considerably more than what the pic shows. It does put out clear sweeper tenacles in the evening that are probably 1.5" long. The shipper couldn't remember what he threw in the bag.

I have the same coral in green...same long sweepers. I was told it is Cactus Coral - Pavona cactus, also known as: Pavano Coral, Cat's Paw Coral, Daisy Coral, Frilly Cactus Coral, Lettuce Coral, Lettuce Clump Coral. Hope that helps. Marcye
musicsmaker said:
Rob, when was that most recent pic taken of your green cap? That thing is getting so huge. I have some that I got from you a long time ago and it is still growing. I've also acquired a few new ones. ;)


The pic is probably about 6-8 months old. A new pic does not show much more, because the corals in front of it are growing up and hiding it.

Glad to hear rom you.