Show Off your prop System!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6260878#post6260878 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Funky_Fish14
Beautiful setups everyone, each setup has different techniques/methods, but they are all accomplishing the same thing, and we are all sharing ideas with others.

Great pics and info everyone, keep it comming!


I agree - different methods, and for the most part the same end result. Be it commercial or just a hobbyist trying to share corals. I personally have found this thread to be of great assistance while setting my system up (and by the way, I use "system" because it makes my two 30gal breeders sound like a much larger venture :p) and I'm hoping to spread some new techniques myself in due time.
A couple pics of my prop system. Been setup for almost a year now. The two small tubs are 50 gal rubermaid and the larger one on the floor is my sump, 110 gal. The glass tank on the right side of picture two, is a diy 35 gal cube and stand that acts as my fuge. The vho lighting is on a pulley system for easy access to the stock tanks.

miketay89 - do you normally keep your lights that high, or is that just for the picture? And is that some sort of light diffuser under the lights? If so, why do you use it?
Looks like its maybe an acrylic shield that is just relfecting white from glare?

Looking great everyone! Keep the pics comming!

Rendos, my lights are normally about 5 inches from the water. I generally put them up when I am feeding or doing any maintenance. They just happened to be up when I took the pics. Funky_Fish is right, those are just pieces of acrylic used as splash guards for my lights.
ohh yeah, best part is i dont pay for electricity.....i run my haylides about 12-15hrs a day. on my 65g mixed reef i have 2-175's w/ ice cap atinics, they run all day too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6839378#post6839378 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gobygoby
nice use of space...I know how tight dorm rooms can get :)

are you using the Bostom Aqua Farms frag plugs?

-----yup cant beat the price for what you get. i buy them by the 100. fart as room im an RA so i get a single. it helps but its tight sometimes.
Tagging along as well, lots of nice stuff going on. We currently have a 100g rubbermaid stock tank in our dining room that began life as an emergency quarantine when we bought a setup from a local reefer. It's still a quarantine but as of this weekend it's plumbed with three 1" bulkheads and a return pump and a sump for the skimmer. Once we get our larger tank going and the fish in their permanent home, this is going to be part of my prop system. We have another 100g stock tank waiting to be plumbed into it, as well as a kiddie pool that we may use as well. At the very least it will get the Kenya tree and clove polyps and GSP's and sinularia that are growing like crazy out of our main tank! :D Oh yeah and those green hairy mushrooms too, lots of those.

I'm eventually going to set up a greenhouse for prop stuff but that's a ways in the future.

I have a couple of pictures now of the stock tank that is the foundation of my future prop system.

The first two pictures at that link. Nothing too exciting as yet, mostly just live rock and fish. However I think I can start calling it a prop tank now because I have some green and brown striped shrooms and two tiny blue shrooms on one rock, some very bright green shrooms on another rock, and a small frag of orange cap in there all growing. We bought some live rock from sabodish from breaking down his tank and the corals were on some of the rocks. :D

We bought some eggcrate a few days ago and I'm just trying to figure out where in the tank to put a rack that frags wouldn't get beaten up by the flow, and then I'm pulling out some softies from our main tank to start growing out. This weekend, most likely.

I will post pics later this week when my new lighting comes but so far my system includes.
2 80gallon 4' x 2' x 12" high troughs. Each of these are connected to a 45 gallon rubbermaid box that is a refugium with DSB and protein skimmer. Each were seperated, one for SPS one for lower flow LPS and nice colored zoo's. This way I can have tons of flow for acros but not kill my blasto's and acans.
3 55gallon tanks stacked on top of eachother. This system is for the softies like shrooms toadstools etc.
A 65 gallon tank is going to go online soon because I have it laying around and will have a extra 150watt halide.
I also have another 20L that quarentines softies and has some xenia and shrooms in it.
My 210 gallon display will double as a grow out for frags as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7169053#post7169053 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefann
I will post pics later this week when my new lighting comes but so far my system includes.
2 80gallon 4' x 2' x 12" high troughs. Each of these are connected to a 45 gallon rubbermaid box that is a refugium with DSB and protein skimmer. Each were seperated, one for SPS one for lower flow LPS and nice colored zoo's. This way I can have tons of flow for acros but not kill my blasto's and acans.
3 55gallon tanks stacked on top of eachother. This system is for the softies like shrooms toadstools etc.
A 65 gallon tank is going to go online soon because I have it laying around and will have a extra 150watt halide.
I also have another 20L that quarentines softies and has some xenia and shrooms in it.
My 210 gallon display will double as a grow out for frags as well.

-------lets see it! :eek: