Well, we've got our 40gal (36x12x22) tank with 192W PC lighting, and its really not that efficient for growing out corals. I'm a college student, and we recently purchased a house for my brother and I (and potentially my sister in the future) to live in. Its got a decent basement, though only a 6' ceiling with ductwork hanging below that, but it'll do for my frag tanks
Currently the setup consists of two 30gal breeders (36x18x11) on an 8' stand (two feet of working area between the tanks). Its not up and running yet, but the tanks came drilled and so I'll have a sump connecting them. I'm debating between a Mag 5/7 for the return, or going for a 12 and having a SCWD. I dont need to start an argument, just answering potential questions as to my plans. The sump is going to be as big of a tank as I can find at the time of gluing in the baffles comes. Right now, its a 29. My goal is to have as large of a fuge as possible on the tank and possibly in the future a DIY standalone skimmer. At any rate, this is the "show off" not "talk your head off" thread so heres the best picture I've got right now.
Oh yeah, and the lighting will - for the time being - be ODNO flourescents. Theres going to be 4x 30W bulbs overdrivin for the tanks. My goal is to prop softies and some LPS corals, so it should be ok. If not, the total investment isnt too bad, and I'll upgrade to the T5s I was planning on doing.