Show Off your prop System!

just dave posted earlier, and his prop tanks are in his store. I love it when LFS frag corals. I don't think enough of them do. I would encourage more of them to do so. If lemonheads LFS has that big of a prop system...I think that is awesome.
tangwang said:
Here is a pic of my 16 x 16 x 16 frag tank, which is looped off my 125g display. It is lit with an Ushio 10000k fired by a 250w Icecap ballast...

------where do you get that shelfing?
"------where do you get that shelfing?"

It's "eggcrate" light defusors. You get them at HD, Lowes or Menards. They are about $10 for a 4x2 piece and you can cut them up and make your own racking. I made mine so they are removable sections. Works great if you need to get to the bottom of the tank and retrieve something you dropped.

(tanks full now)
I just flew quickly flew through this posting so if someone is doing this sory I missed it
Does any one use the eggcrate with differant levels on top of each other? I dont mean a stair step setup.
I was thinking of a long tank where you could have 3 differant levels. To access the lover levels you could simply slide over the sections above. To do this you would have to have one blank space to allow a level to slide over( I wish I could just draw it out)

This would let you have 3 differant levels of light. SPS on top and softys on the bottom. It would also use up all the light and save money.
Just wondering??
Hey CoralNutz, i was just wondering what that black plate was that you have in the last picture, it almost looks like one of those black cd's
Well, we've got our 40gal (36x12x22) tank with 192W PC lighting, and its really not that efficient for growing out corals. I'm a college student, and we recently purchased a house for my brother and I (and potentially my sister in the future) to live in. Its got a decent basement, though only a 6' ceiling with ductwork hanging below that, but it'll do for my frag tanks :p

Currently the setup consists of two 30gal breeders (36x18x11) on an 8' stand (two feet of working area between the tanks). Its not up and running yet, but the tanks came drilled and so I'll have a sump connecting them. I'm debating between a Mag 5/7 for the return, or going for a 12 and having a SCWD. I dont need to start an argument, just answering potential questions as to my plans. The sump is going to be as big of a tank as I can find at the time of gluing in the baffles comes. Right now, its a 29. My goal is to have as large of a fuge as possible on the tank and possibly in the future a DIY standalone skimmer. At any rate, this is the "show off" not "talk your head off" thread so heres the best picture I've got right now.


Oh yeah, and the lighting will - for the time being - be ODNO flourescents. Theres going to be 4x 30W bulbs overdrivin for the tanks. My goal is to prop softies and some LPS corals, so it should be ok. If not, the total investment isnt too bad, and I'll upgrade to the T5s I was planning on doing.
tekknoschtev - I know you have been following my I get to see yours. Our systems are very similar in many ways. Main difference being lighting. I run 250 watt DE HQI Ocean lights over mine and will be propagating mostly SPS. And mine is tied in with my existing 40 gallon clownfish tank. I am also running a 1/4 HP chiller (freebie from LFS- they couldn't figure out how it works).
Here are pics of my setup.

Prop systems.

Frag tank.

Mother colony grow out tank.
Indeed, they are very similar. I'm not yet living in the house - stuck in the dorms for the remainder of this semester and potentially next semester, but I hope to get my first mother colonies growing out in the tank right after New Years.

I'd love to do even a 150-250W MH over the tanks, but at this moment its a bit cost prohibitive. But for what I'm growing it should be fine.

I do plan on eventually tieing in a 60gal cube that my green spotted puffer will call home in the future, but that's WAY down the line.

I've been following your thread and sort of taking cues from it. In fact, I suppose I'm somewhat copying you because if you notice - my tanks are off by about 1.25-1.5 inches as well :p Odd, but it worked out. Lazyness brought about the 8' stand, which convieniently works out beacuse it gives me a working area between the tanks, and a lip infront of them to place things. I plan on building some sort of shelf system in the bottom to hold supplies and such.