Well, mine is by no means a match for some of your setups - actually some of them are larger than some aquaculture centers I have seen, so hmm....
Anyways, the low down. 40gal tank (36x12x22). Skilter 400 (its better than nothing), two powerheads, magnum 350 canister filter, and Coralife Lunar Aqualight 2x 96W PC w/ moonlights. 20lbs of sand, soon to be 30lbs of live rock.
All of the equipment is from our reef setup that got upgraded to a 150, so we had this just sitting around wasting away, and decided, what the heck, instead of using the fuge on our 150 for propogating corals (mind you, we can only get around 20 frags down there before its going to be too crowded to add some macros and live rock rubble. Its about a 20gal partition of a 55gal sump.
Oh yeah, I also have about 130 of the frag plugs I made. I figured out I can get around 350 of the plugs in here.
Like I said, nothing spectacular. Due to the lighting frags are going to consist of mostly softies (zoas, leathers, xenia, gsp, yellow polyps, etc) and LPS (galaxea, candy cane, and hopefully the new acan colony).