Show Off your prop System!

I drilled holes in the pvc legs and zip tied them to the egg crate. It is kind of sketchy, but does the job.
Thanks. Sorry, that pic was with XM 10k's. The 14k's are ran on ARO electronic ballast. I don't have any close ups at the moment, but am planning on cleaning the tank and taking some more shots soon. I think I have around 120 frags that are over 1". Most are sps and zoos - nothing real exotic or rare.
No actinics - that's why I switched to the 14ks. It was a little too yellow for me. I run the lights from 9 pm to 4 am = 7 hrs.





Couple of questions. How much flow are you guys pumping through these tanks? I'm thinking about running a closed loop on a 20 long with a Mag 5 (too much?). If the tank is not plumbed into a system, what do you need to add for filtration?
Sweet setup Chin!

Headonkey, a mag 3 would do in a 20L, for filtration I would add on an aquaclear or similar HOB filter with some foam and carbon or phosphate remover or whatever you want. I'd throw a few pieces of live rock and some cheato under the coral rack/shelf.

I'd probably throw a 175 or 250W 14K over a 20L, assuming your growing a mix of sps/lps/softies.

I have an extra Mag 5 lying around so thats why I was going to use it. Maybe I could pick up a used mag 3 for cheap. we're going to use a 175w MH and not sure what color bulb. The HOB with cheato and LR sounds good to me.
sandman12 said:
i would use the mag 5 for sure. The more flow the better.

I would think a mag5 would work in a 20L, just make sure you disperse the flow a little so you don't have a strong jet of water hitting the corals directly. I did a DIY spraybar with a mag7 and the flow out of each nozzle/hole wasn't hard enough to hurt anything in my 20L.

Im not saying not to use a mag 5, I was just saying a mag 3 would do the trick, I didnt know he had one (a mag 5) laying around.

So Mag 5 it is. I think I'll direct the flow at the LR that I'll have under the eggcrate so it doesn't blast the corals. I'll try to draw up something and post it.

Also, where do you guys buy Loc-line and how much $$$?
Im in Canada but LFS has it mind you they are rip-off LFS and its cheaper to order online.

You could divert some of the current to the water surface and some to under the rack and if you divert enough, some at the corals

I'm currently holding some Coral colonies for The New Jersey Reef Club, so here are the before pictures, when it was "organized"








Concept3 - Did you make your reef plugs ? If so, what did you use to form them ? They look like the fit perfect in the egg crate.
