Show Off Your Tangs!!

Yes I know. I have a bare bottom tank, so that eliminates pretty much all gobies. For some reason, clown fish of any variety and I don't get along....

Firefish and Chromis are always an option but seem so regular and boring.... but that's just me.

Not to get too far off topic of the spirit of this thread, but maybe try a dwarf angel, like a flame angel. Lots of personality, you can get them for around $25-$40 normally and they arent hard to keep plus they look great.

I had a harem of 4 in my tank and they were some of my favorite fish.
Yes I know. I have a bare bottom tank, so that eliminates pretty much all gobies. For some reason, clown fish of any variety and I don't get along....

Firefish and Chromis are always an option but seem so regular and boring.... but that's just me.

Yeah i see firefish and chromis are good fish
pyroferus tang, in a friends tank :)

.....Here's mine....his name is MR. Tang....after my dentist Mr. Tang! :) He is about 3 yrs old, when I got him he was the sickest , skinniest looking critter you ever saw. I would have never bought him if I saw him in this condition now, young naive girl that I was.
