Show Your Tank!


STARS Vice President
So lets see some pics of everyone's tanks. I'll start with my 30 gallon:

In addition to the corals there are 4 fish: Black Perc. Pair, Flasher Wrasse, and a filefish (aiptasia control!!!). The angler lives in the refugium and is a pig, he's favorite is rosey red minows, and ghost shrimp..


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And then is my current project, the 110 gal. It's only been operational for about 3 weeks and has been a slow moving project. I do not plan to do much as far as adding any more fish or corals until I return home at the end of the summer. Current Residents include Dussemieri Tang, Mystery Wrasse, Fathead Anthia, Starry Blenny, Cleaner Wrasse and filefish.


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Thanks D, the angler is almost twice the size of when I got him. Might have to start shopping for a new tank just to house him....
Hope not to bore any of you with the same ol pics. Nothing new in the tank as of late, but wanted to get some new shots up.


That aint boring!

Really glad to see that you got everything under control with all the algae issues you were having, tank looks great...
Thanks to all, Jay, Audrey Justin and Mr. Dennis. Jay I am really glad all the algae and other issues I was having are gone. I keep my fingers crossed all the time now.
Okay Justin it is your turn, and what about you audrey we all know you have that nice little tank at the lab.
John and Jay "“ Tanks are looking great!! This has fired me up on starting that in-wall tank so will keep you posted. For now here are a few pics of mine. Maybe a month or two old and I have thinned out the xenia a little! Anyone want any? Please"¦. :)




jmait your tank looks good like always. If you need any help on the install or any part of the new tank you know my number. I am willing to help with any part of the job, big or small.
Jay my aiptasia-eating filefish is not eating aiptasia but is still fat!!! I have had him for about a month now and he is about to get beat and chased with the tongs!!!! lol

Steffen Sparks
Tanks look great guys.. Jaymait lets cuts some holes in the wall and get started with your project, I can't think of a better way to spend your summer! Well maybe, maitais in the caribbean would be nice....

Steffen, like all species of fish sometimes you get a lazy SOB. I know my large one is one hard working mofo. Maybe I got lucky though. Still though they are really cool looking fish.

I still nominate this as my all time favorite species.