Sick BTA, any thoughts of treatment?


New member
Had this nem for a few months now and he's looked great for most of that time but the last week or two he's been wandering around a lot and today he looks really deflated. Of course he's behind a bunch of rocks so it's hard to get a good look, can't tell if his mouth is open or not but definitely completely deflated. Has anyone had any luck bringing these guys back with cipro in a QT tank? I've read a few articles about it but seems like medicating a sick anemone is quite tricky.
I feed him maybe twice a week, either mysis or a little bit of instant ocean gel stuff. I noticed one of my clowns look like it was nipping at the base of the nem a few days ago so maybe it scratched it there? The clown definitely didn't look like it was feeling the tentacles like I've seen others do when hosting. It was more like a quick nip under the tentacles more near the foot/base
I should note I did a water change yesterday, this is the second water change since switching from reef crystals to redsea coral pro, not sure if that's the issue or not
I am by no means a BTA expert, but your last post prompted me to say this. Changing between those two salts could be the issue, What % of water are you changing at a shot? RSCP has higher calc/mag/alk levels that RC. Now all this means nothing if your dosing your tank and its closer to the RSCP levels already. If you haven't been dosing then he might just be upset about a possible rapid change in levels.

Just a thought. Hope you figure it out before the BTA gets too upset.
I am by no means a BTA expert, but your last post prompted me to say this. Changing between those two salts could be the issue, What % of water are you changing at a shot? RSCP has higher calc/mag/alk levels that RC. Now all this means nothing if your dosing your tank and its closer to the RSCP levels already. If you haven't been dosing then he might just be upset about a possible rapid change in levels.

Just a thought. Hope you figure it out before the BTA gets too upset.

My tank is primarily softies so I do not dose anything, that being said I knew rscp had different levels so the last two water changes have been 16 days apart and each was only 3 gallons ( my system is 75 + 10-15gal sump). I figured that wouldn't be too harsh. He seemed fine after the first wc nearly two weeks ago so I'm not sure why this one would upset him.
My tank is primarily softies so I do not dose anything, that being said I knew rscp had different levels so the last two water changes have been 16 days apart and each was only 3 gallons ( my system is 75 + 10-15gal sump). I figured that wouldn't be too harsh. He seemed fine after the first wc nearly two weeks ago so I'm not sure why this one would upset him.

With that small a change my comments are null and void. I wish I had a more useful answer sir.
