SIG32's RSM 250 Build


New member
So after a fourteen year hiatus (yes 1-4) due to life in general, I am finally able to once again have a tank. I thought I would share my build to get thoughts, opinions and advice. A lot of things have changed since I last had my tank and I am re-learning everything. Due to space constraints, I knew the tank I wanted was to be 65 gallons. I set out searching for a used setup and came across an RSM 250 that Sagz70 was selling. Not knowing anything about this setup I did a quick search and contacted him. He gave me a great deal and then the adventure began. I've purchased all of the accessories second hand from either ebay or this forum to keep the costs down (it gets out of control real quick).

First thing the wife said when she saw the stand was, "you have to do something about that, it doesn't match anything in our house." After some pondering, I decided to make new doors and side panels for the stand. I made them to match a "rustic" wood wall I did in our dining room, so at least the stand will tie in with that motif. After the stand, I decided to start thinking of the rock work for the tank. I had kept all of my old rocks, when I broke down my last tank, boxed-up in the garage hoping one day I could use them again. This time though, I decided instead of just stacking the rocks, I would take more time with it and actually try to do an "aqua-scape" with them. It took me three days and a lot of hydraulic cement, but I managed to finish.

I also got a great deal on an Apex system from AdamAquatic. I have been slowly reading up on them (never used one before) and its a bit overwhelming, but I think eventually I'll figure it out. For now, I just did the layout for all of the components. I did a mock-up using cardboard to see if it was feasible to get it in the stand. I ended up cutting one of the old doors to the stand that will ultimately be the panel that everything will attach to. I am almost ready for water and to start the cycling process. I started all of this back in January and I can't wait to see it finally filled. Sorry if the post is picture heavy.

Original stand

New doors

Side panel

Control panel mock-up

Dosing Lines on rear of tank

Rockscape evolution

Some rocks didn't make the cut and were moved around it was constantly changing.

Close to complete. I think I added a few more pieces after this shot.
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Thank you, Nwest & Fragaddiction. I had reservations on how the doors would look, but I tried to leave enough black in the stand so that it would still go with the hood. The control panel is crammed, but I still have a vacant spot for the WXM module that I'm still on the hunt for. Hopefully it will all come together without any problems.
Looking good! Following along. I have the rsm e260, been running only since November. They are wonderful tanks. Enjoy it~
Thanks everyone for the compliments. Sagz70, I didn't forget our deal, its just taking a while to piece together, glad you're following. I hope to get the rocks and sand in this weekend and then finish wiring and connecting everything. If all goes without Murphy showing up, I'll start cycling sometime next week.
Here's the latest. I've been busy so I am not as far along as I had hoped and I have more current photos to upload, but I thought I would give an update. I put my rocks and sand in a couple of weeks ago. Last week I finally filled it up and started to cycle the tank. I'm a little more than a week into it now and I think my ammonia levels are too high. As of today, there are no nitrites or nitrates detected. We'll see how it goes.

So, while cleaning the hood I ended up breaking a fan for the lights. I decided to change all four of them out. I couldn't find a factory sized fan I liked, so I went a little bigger (thicker). While I had the hood disassembled I decided to go ahead and convert over to LED's. I knew that one day in the future I would, but just figured I'd do it now. I am in the process of retrofitting two 165w Chinese black box lights into the hood and I'll upload the pics this weekend when I finish it up.

Rock, no sand

Went with Tropic Eden's Reef Flakes

Had to cut away material to put 25mm fans (comes wtih 20mm)

Trying to decide if I like the look of the 90° lens (left) or no lens 120° (right)

90° on both sides (water was still cloudy)
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Thank you all. I took my time with it since I hadn't done it that way before. I used a lot of hydraulic cement, but I'm hoping that it will not be as noticeable as the aquarium becomes established.
So, it's been a while since my last update. I finally finished the hood and the lights are all setup and working. I may, though, go back and add a dedicated power supply for a rear hood fan that is currently working off of my white LED's.

The only other change I plan to make is replacing the red and green LED's with a different wavelength. The tank finally cycled, but I still have high nitrates (even after a large water change). I am currently mixing water for another large water change in hopes of reducing it before I add my fish.

For now I started out a small CUC to get going on my algae bloom. Hopefully they'll keep it from getting out of control. Here are some pictures of my progress to date.

Bought a pair of Bloomspect 165W LED units and stripped the board out of the housing. I had to trim the board to fit in my hood.

Drivers and wiring with LED boards installed.


Underside of hood.

I have an APEX controlling the blue and white LED's, but it can't dim them below 10% intensity. I went ahead and added 3 blue LED's so that I could have a separate moonlight channel.

Tank finally cycled with CUC working.

Left island.

Right island:
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