<sigh> Pyramilliad Snails...


New member
Well, I've just gotten excited about reefing again and I found a Gigas for my tank on Friday. It hasn't been looking too good, and I was looking at it just before lights out tonight - then I noticed the snail on the glass about 1" from the gigas and all of the little snails attached to it. It looked like there were 6-7 grains of rice stuck to it's foot.

So THAT might explain why my new clam doesn't look to good. This is especially bad news since I have a 4-5" Maxima stuck to a 25lb rock.

I might try a 6 line - What do you all think?

Six-Lines, which work some of the time, will eventually wipe out your 'pod population. The best way to erradicate the little pyramidellid snails is through manual removal.

Inspect the snail every couple of days and brush the snails off with a toothbrush.

They may not make it to the other maxima, but keep a close eye out.

Six-Lines, which work some of the time, will eventually wipe out your 'pod population.

Well, then he would be one FAT 6-line. My tank pretty much turned into a refugium after I moved and when I try to count the pods on the glass I stop after I hit about 60 or so - And that's with the Halides on!

Thanks for the advice.

WOW there are tons of these "suckers"!! I pulled at least 14 off of one snail tonight! I have a feeling this will be an uphill battle...
There are pyramidellid snails are are predatory upon a variety of mollusks including clams and snails. Usually the parasites are species specific.

They breed faster than amphipods!
