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I bought some silicone from home depot. Said it was 100% silicone. Does that make it safe to use in the aquarium? Product is from GE and goes in a caulking gun. Anyone?
no idea on that ge stuff but DAP sells little tubes of aquarium safe silicone at homedepot
GE1 is reef safe
The question is what is it for? If its for gluing sump baffles or similar, then the GE1 is OK. If you are building a tank or any kind of container, you need something stronger.
not for gluing anything. I actually want to coat the bottom of the pavers that I am using for aquascaping. i figure that would keep them in place, prevent detrius from getting under anything and provide a soft surface against the glass as well as distribute the weight a tiny bit better.
Hey Doc. I got the idea of using pavers from Mike Paletta. He has videos through American Reef. He had a video on aquascaping and talked about using the pavers from Home Depot. That's the only reason why I am using them. He has used this technique before.
just watched his videos, looks like he uses the pavers as a support foot to hold the rock structure in place. looks like a great idea :)