Simu-L Thunderstorms..?


I just received a pair of Simu-L sticks which are both connected to the L1-L2 port via the splitter that I also received with LED's, but I can't seem to figure out what all to do to make them simulate a thunderstorm.

I don't want anything other than random storms set for Thursdays which is the day that I have set as a "dark day" each week. I would like to have storms randomly throughout the day and into late evenings if at all possible.

Can anyone give me the details to program this..?

To have your storms limited to a single day you cannot use the random storm mode. You have to choose your day (thursday), then choose up to 4 storms per day that you want. Set the start time and duration (up to an hour with the new firmware).

You set your Flash options through the 1-10V interfece section of the Profilux Software, and the illuminations channels for the white/blue and Red LED's
I'm gonna need STEP-BY-STEP instructions...

I upgraded to the new firmware, and setup the days & times, but from there I'm lost. Since there are absolutely no instructions anywhere, I need some serious help here.

Plug in one of the lights to the L3-L4 ports or L1-L2

in the software for the profilux that you download to your PC, under System, it has 1-10v--- go there, depending where you plugged in your simu led, youll modify the corresponding ports--- odd numbers are Reds, even numbers are Blues.. so if you have it on L3/L4, go in there and high light what you want to modify (L3/L4), from the drop down menu youll choose the illumination--- so lets you want Reds (L3) to follow Illumination 3, you choose that, and for Blues (L4) youll want Illumination 4. They could be any illumination profiles you want, mine just happen to use illumination profiles 3 and 4. Once you do that, make sure you have your times in those Illumination profiles the way you want your blues/whites and reds to react..

So click dimmable in the illumination profile at the bottom, click all that apply (rainy days,clouds, thunderstorms, etc). You add the times, so for example, my Reds (illumination profile 3) are as follows:

6:00am 0%
7:00am 5%
10:55am 100%
10:39pm 100%
11:09 pm 0%

I believe that if you have moon phase that it will ignore any time settings you have during the time of the moon phase. So youll see that my time starts at 6am, and from 6am-7am itll slowly increase to 5%, then from 7am-10:55am itll slowly increase until it reaches 100%.. Youll need the off/on times (off being 0%). Once you make those adjustments make sure to save your information so the profilux can begin using that info. If you look on here, there's a thread Gareth made on thunderstorms and audio. He has step by steps with pictures on how to do this