Six-Line Wrasse


New member
Just bought a six-line wrasse and I have him in my QT tank. The LFS where I purchased him said he would do fine in my tank....BUT Ive been reading up on them and Im not so sure about how well he will fit in my 90 gal. reef tank. I have a skunk cleaner shrimp, snails and crabs and I have 2 clowns, a yellow tang, a royal gramma, 2 barred dart fish and a flame angel. Any input from anyone else with a six-line? I want to make sure its a good fit before I put him in the main tank. Thanks.
I don't have a 6____ wrasse but I have read that they can be very aggresive. With it being added to the tank last I don't see a big problem. Just watch him for a while to see what comes of it.
Mines very peaceful.

A very active fish once hes used to the tank.... Ive never seen mine pick on any other fish. (Doesnt mean that they don't, mine just hasn't)
Mine will pick on most other wrasse shaped fishes in my tank. Killed a carpenter wrasse, but leaves rainfordi gobies alone.
Any one else have any problems with seems so far that everyone who has them seems to have had no problems.
I have two, one male and one female. I have not a problem with them. They have been mating and releasing eggs and sperm and not problems at all
No problems here with the six line wrasse. I have him housed with a flame, 5 chormis, koran angel, regal tang, 2 percula clowns, and a cinnamon clown. Although I did add him or my koran angel last or 2nd to last. He shows no agression and seems to always be wandering. Great fish to have. The only problems I have is my cinnamon clown always digging into the sand causing a sand storm.
Mine was an absolute terror. Everything I tried to add after him he would chase and nip. I finally gave up and was able to catch him in a fish trap and return him to the LFS.

It appears that you are adding it last, so you may have luck with it.
They are great fish to have. Make sure you have a tight canopy. They can show aggression toward new fish, but in my experience it only lasts about 2-3 days. When I introduced an algae blenny, my 6 line harrased it for about 2-3 days. Ever since then there has been no aggression.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6932517#post6932517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mr_o98
They are great fish to have. Make sure you have a tight canopy. They can show aggression toward new fish, but in my experience it only lasts about 2-3 days. When I introduced an algae blenny, my 6 line harrased it for about 2-3 days. Ever since then there has been no aggression.

Mine showed aggression come eating time towards my clown. That lasted for about a day after the clown showed some manners and stopped eating like a pig. "Hmmm, I wonder why he is giving me extra food? I guess I better eat ALL of it."

Mine was great for about a month, now I can't put any more fish in because he has turned into one very mean fish. He also does some very strange things. He will flip himself over and slap his tail into the sand. It's very annoying to watch. He'll swim out front and do these back flips one after another. He'll swim up to another fish and erect his fins and curl his tail at them and swim backwards. I think the fish is a little wacko, maybe brain parasites or something.:p
I love them,
They do jump and will be a little territorial regaurding smaller fish.
But they don't do much damage.
I have a Six Line, which I love and I just added a Purple Firefish to my tank this evening. The Wrasse has been harrasing the Firefish a little, so I was going to move him to the fuge while the Firefish got acclimated.

Needless to say, he's still in the tank. They are impossible to catch if they have escape routes. I decided to go lights out an hour early to cut down on the aggression. I will see tomorrow if he's better.

Other than todays issue he's been a great fish. However, I do think he's behind my two Peppermint shrimp dissapearing, but I have no proof.
mine is a pia. i left the room briefly and came back to see my male clown on the floor. i put him back in the tank and my 6line went after it again. ditch it.