Size of HOB refugium for me

my thought is to build your own much bigger than any of those you showed. i built one bigger than the large one there for my 20gallon and i built it for like 10bucks but i allready had the acrylic
i'm not sure what the minimum is for a tank your size, but a refugium is better than none. if you can afford it, the bigger the better. go with large. the bigger it is, the more it filters, and the more pods you will have.

however, you will have better filtration if you build your own out of a 10-20g tank. that is if you feel like drilling................
I don't have a sump. I just have a standard 55 tank. If I build my own I would have to buy an overflow box and then a pump. This is about the same in dollars spent, isn't it?
you could a external overflow. although, they have been known to flood. but if you get external, go with the biggest you can get.
I just got the largest CPR aquafuge (25" model I believe) for my 55 and I am very happy with it- I put a coralife freshwater 24" 6500K PC fixture over it and have chaeto growing like crazy. Thus far I'd say highly recommended.

Go with the biggest one you can.
I have one that was very cheap(half the price) but in my experience you get what you pay for. I feel like mine is not built as well as the one you have posted. I hope mine does not come appart one day. I will probably get one like the one you show in the future. I have seen your post at LFS and they are better quality.