Skimmer advice for my 540.


USN Avionics Technician
Premium Member
Hi guys, I asked on the skimmer advice thread in the lighting and filtration forum, but I wanted some advice from people that actually have large tanks. I'm looking for skimmers that would work on around 600g. I'd prefer something with a needlewheel and under or around $1000. I was suggested the SRO 5000 by Mojo, but was wondering if that would even be large enough? I've also been looking at the SRO 6000, SWC Askoll Cone, and the Hurricones CAT II and III. This tank will probably just be a medium bioload with a mix of SPS and LPS.
Check out the Bekketts skimmers made in USA, they cheap and very powerfull. Bar Aquatics makes a few and than there are other makes also.
I'm not really interested in a beckett style skimmer, thanks for the advice though.

bullitr- PM me info on what you want for your skimmer.
Well thanks for the advice people, I just pulled the trigger on an SRO6000EXT. Hopefully it'll skim well.