Skimmer auto shut off with apex and float switch


New member
So after a little bit of testing and googling, I finally figured out how to program my apex to shut the skimmer off if it were to overflow. I have an external container to hold the skimate junk and already had my skimmer flood my floor's once. I took a simple float switch and attached it to the breakout box and then in apex fusion under the skimmers controller I typed in this code. Came up with this one myself, since every other code I tried from other forums doesn't seem to work. I guess simplest is best.

Fallback OFF
Set ON
if Sw1 OPEN = off
if Sw1 CLOSED = on
if Sw1 open then off
if Sw1 CLOSED then on
Skimmer auto shut off with apex and float switch

Assuming you are asking for comments...this might be simpler. Set mine up last night.

Fallback on - on if loss off aquabus
Set on
If sw1 open then off

Also if you create a virtual outlet skmrfull, and program it:
Set off
If sw1 open then on

And your skimmer replace the if statement w
If outlet skmrfull on then off

You will get alarms from skmrfull which is intuitive and won't have to rename the switch. Does the same thing though.

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I still use the legacy web program to program stuff. I have the avast skimmate locker that comes with a pressure switch. Added a second for redundancy.

If Sw1 Closed Then OFF
If Sw2 Closed Then OFF
I would suggest using a virtual outlet for the overflow switch. It's more intuitive and if you setup an email alert for it, you will get a notification that looks like this: Outlet Skim_Overlow = ON

If you don't use a virtual outlet and setup an email alarm, you would end up getting a notification like this which isn't intuitive at all. Especially if you make use of multiple float swithces. The notification would look like: Sw1 = Closed

This is how mine is setup. This assumes you are using a normally closed switch.
My virtual outlet is named: SkimOverflow.

If Sw6 OPEN Then OFF

Skimmer pump outlet:
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet Return = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet SumpTooFull = ON Then OFF
If Outlet SkimOverflow = ON Then OFF

Note that I have additional level switches in my sump for SumpTooFull (also a virtual outlet). I make use of lots virtual outlets as you can see below in my email alarm outlet. Things like SalinityHigh, SalinityLow, Leak_Sump etc are all virtual outlets. Virtual outlets make those notifications much more intuitive. BoB_Unplug is also a virtual outlet. I have Sw6 in my custom breakout box constantly closed. If it's ever open, that means there is an issue with my BreakOut Box and it's likely unplugged. I have a 3 minute defer before the email notification is sent. I do that just in case I bump a switch or if a probe gets an errant reading. This insures that the change of state is constant indicating a true issue.
Email Alarm outlet:

If Temp > 82.7 Then ON
If Temp < 74.5 Then ON
If Outlet SalinityLow = ON Then ON
If Outlet SalinityHigh = ON Then ON
If Outlet SumpTooFull = ON Then ON
If Outlet SumpLow = ON Then ON
If Outlet SkimOverflow = ON Then ON
If Outlet Return = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet SkimOverflow = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Sump = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Pumps = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Closet = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Shed = ON Then ON
If Outlet BoB_Unplug = ON Then ON
Defer 003:00 Then ON
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I would suggest using a virtual outlet for the overflow switch. It's more intuitive and if you setup an email alert for it, you will get a notification that looks like this: Outlet Skim_Overlow = ON

If you don't use a virtual outlet and setup an email alarm, you would end up getting a notification like this which isn't intuitive at all. Especially if you make use of multiple float swithces. The notification would look like: Sw1 = Closed

This is how mine is setup. This assumes you are using a normally closed switch.
My virtual outlet is named: SkimOverflow.

If Sw6 OPEN Then OFF

Skimmer pump outlet:
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet Return = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet SumpTooFull = ON Then OFF
If Outlet SkimOverflow = ON Then OFF

Note that I have additional level switches in my sump for SumpTooFull (also a virtual outlet). I make use of lots virtual outlets as you can see below in my email alarm outlet. Things like SalinityHigh, SalinityLow, Leak_Sump etc are all virtual outlets. Virtual outlets make those notifications much more intuitive. BoB_Unplug is also a virtual outlet. I have Sw6 in my custom breakout box constantly closed. If it's ever open, that means there is an issue with my BreakOut Box and it's likely unplugged. I have a 3 minute defer before the email notification is sent. I do that just in case I bump a switch or if a probe gets an errant reading. This insures that the change of state is constant indicating a true issue.
Email Alarm outlet:

If Temp > 82.7 Then ON
If Temp < 74.5 Then ON
If Outlet SalinityLow = ON Then ON
If Outlet SalinityHigh = ON Then ON
If Outlet SumpTooFull = ON Then ON
If Outlet SumpLow = ON Then ON
If Outlet SkimOverflow = ON Then ON
If Outlet Return = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet SkimOverflow = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Sump = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Pumps = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Closet = ON Then ON
If Outlet Leak_Shed = ON Then ON
If Outlet BoB_Unplug = ON Then ON
Defer 003:00 Then ON

Newbie here. Learning the Apex is like studying all over again. What is a virtual outlet?
Think of it like a variable whose value is meaningful to you and you can use more easily.

As a systems gets more complex, remembering what sensor goes with what and if on or off is good... gets hard.

But SumpLow being ON is intuitive.

You can make lots of variables and use them to code more simply and intuitively.