Skimmer Recommendation

ASM Style Dirt Cheap

ASM Style Dirt Cheap

I actually have a 240 Plus a 40 Gallon SUmp, and had a dilemma on my hands, all the skimmers that I needed for My size tank would have been too tall for my Custom Built in. My solution I bought a 10 inch Diameter Cast Acrylic Tube, Along with Flat Cast Acrylic Circles Slightly Bigger, Cost was about $75 total (I can Email you the Business I bought it From if interested) Weld On Sells a specific Acrylic Glue For About five dollars. I then went to a specialty hardware store and bought a 4 inch Union, that I cut at one end,, Used a hole saw and fitted the Male end of the Union to one of the acrylic circles....I then bought a ASM G4 Replacement Cup For $35, and glued Female End to it, Perfect Screw On Screw Off Neck, Next bought Uniseals ( about $20.00, and a Sedra 9000 With Needle Wheel 109.00 Set this Up with a recirculating Mod, And feed the skimmer with a Sedra 3500 from an old Skimmer but you could buy for $83.00. Bought SOme General Plumbing supply including gate valve for about $30.00 total cost for a big super efficient skimmer Roughly = $382.