I'm sure some skimmer are better than others, but at the end of the day, as long as it's meeting your requirements that's all that matters. I buy Reef Octopus skimmers because they work, they're built very well, they're quiet and give me "a lot" of value per dollar.
Would I rather have an ATB? Sure. Am I willing to spend thousands on a skimmer? Hell no. For what? A couple more ounces of skim mate production per week and no noticeable change in nutrients? Once your nutrients are undetectable what difference does it make?
One mistake I learned first hand from reading on RC was the whole buying a oversized skimmer for twice the size of your tank... Um no. Buy a skimmer designed for your tank and taller is better. (If you can fit it in your stand).
Anyway, my 2 cents deposited.