paljets In Memoriam Jul 21, 2006 #1 Ok.. Main tank is 375 gallons.. Sump is 125 and I have a 75g fuge lit 24/7 for nutrient export.. (I feed the algae to the tangs, they love it) Question is.. I have a ASM G4X Skimmer with Recirc mod.. Do you think it's big enough?? Or should I go larger?? --paul
Ok.. Main tank is 375 gallons.. Sump is 125 and I have a 75g fuge lit 24/7 for nutrient export.. (I feed the algae to the tangs, they love it) Question is.. I have a ASM G4X Skimmer with Recirc mod.. Do you think it's big enough?? Or should I go larger?? --paul
Ridgeline New member Jul 22, 2006 #2 I would say bigger . espically if your going to have a large bioload
Ridgeline New member Jul 22, 2006 #3 Oh yeah..what are your plans for the tank...SPS,LPS,Clams ,How many fish ,etc...
paljets In Memoriam Jul 22, 2006 #4 Actually the plans are just mostly fish.. (tangs/angels) And some mushrooms/polyps. I'd love nothing more than to have the whole tank covered in GSP.. --paul
Actually the plans are just mostly fish.. (tangs/angels) And some mushrooms/polyps. I'd love nothing more than to have the whole tank covered in GSP.. --paul
Hop Carpe Noctem!!! Premium Member Jul 22, 2006 #5 IMO the skimmer is too small. I would think about a NW skimmer rated for 750 gallons or so, or a beckett rated for about the same range
IMO the skimmer is too small. I would think about a NW skimmer rated for 750 gallons or so, or a beckett rated for about the same range