Segment. And don't tell me it is meaningless because I didn't quote which 4 skimmers they compared.
4 -Conclusions about relative skimmer performance based upon these measurements:
All four skimmers removed both BSA and TOC with similar rate constants; in short, "bubbles is bubbles", and there was no significant difference between these four skimmers in their intrinsic abilities to strip organics from saltwater.
Only about 20 - 30% of the measurable TOC in reef tank water was removed by skimming, whereas almost all of the BSA was removed from saltwater by skimming.
You are an interesting case, first you asked for references and after being pointed out you dont have any references either, you started to act like I was the person to start it lol.
About the reference, I want to point out that all these skimmers have on thing in common. They generate and maintain large number of small bubbles. Which contradicts with you original statement of "How the bubbles are made is irrelevant". As the reference shows, you need to be able to make numerous very small bubbles and therefore how the bubbles are made is the most relevant part of a skimmer. Bubbles are bubbles if they are equal in the end, these skimmers employ different methods to to it but achieve similar results. Your original statement has nothing to do with this. If you blow air into a tube and generate large bubbles, that wont function as a skimmer. But according to your statement, that is irrelevant and bubbles are bubbles, it should work the same.
And you make a lot of assumptions as well. First I dont list my equipment so I have no idea what that is coming from. And people can list their equipment if they wanted to, it is not a badge of honor or anything. When someone asks a question, info on that badge can help to both answer and ask equations.
You can build a lot of equipment DIY for much cheaper. Its great to know that you are doing this. I have been in this hobby long enough to remember that DIY skimmers were the only skimmers you could have because there was no commercial skimmer production for "home" sized aquariums. I also remember a lot of DIY skimmers required considerable amount of maintenance, especially the air stone based ones. So costs is not the only thing to consider for most people. I for one leave my tank (which is a mature SPS dominant tank) unattended due to work for 3-4 weeks with everything from feeding to dosing functioning autonomously. I take pride in knowing that my tank can go on on its own without human intervention, as stability is the key requirement for success in this hobby. I dont have a particularly high tech tank, i have no digital readers/dosers or anything. But my thank is stable enough to know that how much alkalinity/Ca/Nitrate etc will be used daily for the next 60 days and those that amount. So everyone here has different thing to be proud about.
It is great that you are proud about building a tank on small budget, like everyone you have something about your tank they you are proud about. But this is where you attitude comes in to play. You act like you are the golden child of reef aquariums and everyone should agree with your ways and what you said. If they dont, you claim they are trolling you and you make statements like;
"And I laugh when I see how much money has been spent in the spectacle of conspicuous comsumption."
"You list your equipment like a badge of courage. I dare you to just change your equipment list to generic names with no brands."
"Great that you can afford a $1000 skimmer and other top shelf gear. Not all of us are so lucky."
"Well then I withdraw all my comments past and future and will not post again until I have peer reviewed scientific studies.".
Take a good look at what you wrote and think about who is the troll here.