Winged Ocean
New member

I thought this was a cute picture of my newly acquired mantis. I happened to get this picture during the night when I was changing light fixtures (yeah, I had a brainstorm in the middle of the night and had to act on it, and annoy my shrimp for a minute. LOL..ever have those moments?)
Anyway, as you can see, it is upside down and rolled up in a ball sleeping in this small hole. It has moved to several different holes in the past few days I have had it. Not sure if this is normal or if it is trying out locations before signing the lease to one nice place with a good view.
And here is its new home.

This is a 5gl acrylic tank. It has one piece of live rock, and a piece of base rock that I had stashed away in the closet waiting for a reason to be used. It has great holes running through it and has a cave formation at the bottom. Worked out great for a mantis tank.
This tank was purchased at WalMart, but is a poorly designed tank for cleaning. I will have to look into ways of cleaning the acrylic with a magnet scraper of some sort so as my little mantis can't get me.
I haven't identified him yet, but now with the much improved lighting I will be able to get better pics to post for an ID if I can figure it out for myself.
Hope you like.