slimer growing away from light


Staff member
RC Mod
My green bali slimer [5"] is deep forest green on all but its 3 growing branches, which are moderate yellow at the tips...and lately the tips have arched over like a 3-spout fountain's arc, and begun growing downward, away from the light. The only what's-new on its time-scale is a half-inch Sea Swirl, which is providing intermittent strong current.

It is about 8 inches below the surface, 250 mh 10000 [6 months old] is 9 inches above.

Anybody familiar with the growth of slimers? Ever seen this?
How is the flow where the growth is? The growth pattern will usually follow the direction of flow if it gets most of its flow in the same direction all of the time.
Intermittent, but true, the pattern is following the bounce of the Sea Swirl current off the side glass. It hadn't been getting much current and was growing up. Now it's bent over and turning slightly away from the glass.

I've never seen that happen with a slimer, but I did have a birdsnest that started to grow downward when it came near the surface of the water. Was there any damage to the tips from another coral, or magnetic glass cleaner? A damaged tip might cause a change in growth pattern. HTH
No, it's perfectly whole, with vigorous end-clusters. It is the tallest thing in the tank, but is still 3 inches from the surface, at least.

THank you both for the input. This is going to be an interesting shape, at least.
Holy moly, 4378 posts in 5 months... thats got to be some kind of a record... sorry... anyways, post some pics... mine has that same wierd pattern on only one of its branches, the others are growing "normal"
I have an acropora tenuis colony grow some of it's branches downward( it is not mounted to any live rock). Also, had a weird downward growth on one branch of my acro. aspera. So, I guess depending on the current, branches can grow in strange directions.