Slow 150 Eurobraced build

Slow 150 Eurobraced build

  • Refurb existing wood stand

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Make a new steel stand skin to come later

    Votes: 2 66.7%

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Finally made the decision on the stain. Went with pecan and I like it. Warm tone. I also had to replace the icecap ballast which burned out again. That was the second one so I decided to just use standard sylvania which I found on eBay for $12 ea. It has been storming out here fierce with the monsoons so I am glad the wood is sealed and protected figure I am about 3-6 weeks away from cycling the tank finally. I will be in Orlando next week on business and plan to go to WWC. Not sure if I will bring anything back with me but they have a new subscription club I may join. Here's some pics and I welcome any comments. Been a long road but I can see the exit sign now!



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So I was in Orlando for business and had to stop in to see World Wide Corals Inc. it was a great setup and Luis was great to talk with. He showed us the large display tank they have in the back which was amazing. I did not have time to buy and transport but I will be back and make it part of my trip again.



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Started the return plumbing but has to stop when I realized I bought the wrong Tee joints. So I took the dry fit as far as I could. I'm running 1-1/4" up to 2 Neptune fs-100 flow sensors then into the tank. I am wating for the Tees to build the manifold. Still hoping I can deliver around 800 gph to the tank otherwise the varios6 will have to be upgraded. Maybe a COR20. I like have Apex speed control. I turned to the light again and finally made the mount. It's a simple 3/4" conduit but I like the fact the light looks like it's floating. So far not too much spillover as I placed the light 1 inch closer to the front and slightly tilted it back. Also put the door hardware on with clean European style pulls. Getting closer and I hope to be cycling by end of September.




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I also started with some concepts for aquascape. This is a bit of a struggle as I don't think I even have a right brain. I have been reading and looking and saving pictures and ... came up with this. I just don't know


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I really like that scape design!

The only thing I would even slightly suggest is to turn the structure on the right hand side 90 degrees to the left if you can or maybe not even 90 degrees maybe just 45 degrees would look great, to create more of a canal and to move the bottom pieces away from the front of the tank.

I'm not sure if that's even possible but I think it would look great if you could. other than that it looks awesome.

Build is coming along nicely!
I really like that scape design!

The only thing I would even slightly suggest is to turn the structure on the right hand side 90 degrees to the left if you can or maybe not even 90 degrees maybe just 45 degrees would look great, to create more of a canal and to move the bottom pieces away from the front of the tank.

I'm not sure if that's even possible but I think it would look great if you could. other than that it looks awesome.

Build is coming along nicely!

Thank you very much for the feedback. I am cementing the arch together and i hope that I can document how all of the pieces fit together so i can recreate it once the tank is inside. with a ghost overflow i have all 60"x24" of the tank floor to play with making sure to keep the structure off the back wall. NYOS reef cement is excellent stuff but you gotta work very fast and in small batches.

Return plumbing is almost finished and then I can do the final leak test and wipe down with vinegar and water before it comes in the house.
So I think I am about 1 week now from start up, all plumbing is done. Apex box is set and ready. I added a 1" gate valve on the return that is straight so I can tune the flow to the 2nd return and manifold. I used the hard plumbed mainfold from broadfield who plumbed 3 reactors suspended. Kudos also to TANGINOUT And cmo for inspiration. It will be exactly

6 months since I purchased the tank til now and I hope all my efforts are worthy.


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Slow 150 Eurobraced build

Tank is finally in the house and setup. I had one manifold leak that I was hoping was not real but I had to break apart the manifold and redo. About 2 hours of work. I wish I could thank you YouTube guy who showed me how to heat a socket wrench to unglue pvc. He has save my bacon numerous times.

I filled up all the returns and drains with RODI and so far so good after the fix.

I found a smoking deal on a used Vectra L1 and pulled the trigger on replacing the Varios6. I will miss the Apex controllability but even with 1-1/4" return pipe I just needed more flow for this tank with the inline manifold. Much thanks to Jake. I look forward to the FMM readings when the new pump is plumbed in. This weekend will be aquascape and the fill. I may tear up when I see water in it but for now I have all the pieces of the puzzle ready and hope the aquascape gods send inspiration. Lord knows I've read enough posts to make my head spin. Happy reefing folks.


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We have ignition!! I finally have water in it. I will start cycling the tank tomorrow and one more water change in the QT will allow me to break down the 90 gallon tank into temporary storage and clean up and move the hardware needed to complete the build.






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Great read and build, i just completed mine and i forgot how much work it was to design and buils, read redesign, find equipment......lot of sleepless nights thinking, i respect those that think outside the box a repurpose like you light that gives special stamp to system. Good luck with cycle
Great read and build, i just completed mine and i forgot how much work it was to design and buils, read redesign, find equipment......lot of sleepless nights thinking, i respect those that think outside the box a repurpose like you light that gives special stamp to system. Good luck with cycle

Thank you! Shame I missed out on that nice Sherman BT you gave away a while back but I will be on the FB look out for your stuff to help me stock this bad boy. Need to make it out to a Saturday auction soon as well.
So the fish have been in now for almost 2 weeks and look very happy. Even the normally skittish yellow tank is social. Nitrates have settled to 5ppm using the Aquaforest Probiotic reef salt for the 1st and 2nd 20% water changes. I am starting to put some of my corals into the tank. Tomorrow will be a second dose of "Reef Stew" as I continue to build the biodiversity of the tank. I am still considering ordering from ipsf to put some Hawaiian "critters" so far so good as we have the normal diatoms in the sand.

I picked this guy up from a local reefer along with a huge CUC that he was selling. He is not camera shy.

Some pretty good PE from a Milli frag I have had for a while.

I have decided to try to sell or trade my 1 year old DOS/DDR kit and I am looking for a kamoer x4 or GHL 2.1 as I may go NOPox for Nitrate and Phosphate control along with the AF balling 3 part. If anyone is interested in this trade lmk.

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Slow 150 Eurobraced build

DOS/DDR is sold and Kamoer x4 doser with a simplicity container are on the way. I put a few more of the coral from my previous tank into the 150. I have done 3 water changes using the Aquaforest probiotic reef salt. Parameters are testing very well with calcium at 400 ppm, magnesium 1420, Alk 7.6 Nitrates at 5ppm and Phosphates at 0.04 ppm. I manually dosed up calcium and KH buffer to get to 425 and 7.8 respectively. I spent some money on the WWC live sale last week and picked up 4 frags. Can't wait to see them in. I've also been messing with a Monoprice Mini 3D printer and working on a few things for the tank. ABS is tough to print and I have printed 3 frozen cube feeders unsuccessfully. PLA is easy but not considered durable in water so I will keep fine tuning


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So got these yesterday and will start prepping for Aquaforest 3 part. Thanks to my LFS "The Coral Life" who got this in less than 2 days. That's quicker than any online store.


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It took a few days to get the doser set up. I did a firmware upgrade and then calibrated it. The upgrade was a PITA but eventually after multiple tries it is done. I am actually starting to run out of room in the stand and so I ended up keyholing the bottom of the doser so I could mount it sideway. Right now there is not enough load in the tank for dosing and I am still doing weekly 10% water changes. I did add some corals to the tank from the recent WWC live online sale. Here are a few pics.

WWC Red Montipora Cap

WWC grafted Montipora Cap

WWC Rainbow Aurora Acropora

And a WWC Blazin Banshee Acropora sorry no pic

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Not too much to update. I started dosing aquaforest Component 123+ mixing my own from the dry components. The parameters are close to dialed in at Ca 450ppm, Alk 7.9 dkh, Mg 1400ppm, NO3 2.5ppm. PO4 has read zero on the Hanna Low colorimeter for a while now but I am cleaning the glass daily of green and brown dust algae so the zero reading is not totally accurate. There are also some darker brown patches in teh sand which is suspct are still diatoms but i am not yet ready to do any blackouts and will let it run its course. PE is not anything to be happy about and color on the WWC Rainbow acro and WWC grafted monticap still has much to be desired. The grafted green portion of the monti went tan and the neon green polyps rarely extend like they did when it 1st went into the tank. I picked up a few quick growing classics from my LFS. California Tort, Bubblegum digi, anacapora and red setosa. I also picked up frags of Oregon Tort and Bennent Yellow from a local reefer. Also a local reefer sold me a beautiful Ultra Gold Yuma on a rock with some nice purple and pink coraline algae so I have my coraline seed now and i am starting to see some pinks in the rock which is maturing. I am looking forward to watching the rock colors come out as I am tired of all the white.

I put the RBTA into the frag tank so I can do a better job of target feeding. The fish are too aggressive and the anemone was starving. It looks healthier and eats mysis and LRS reef frenzy 3 times a week with no problem. I am glad I moved it and hope the tentacles grow from the stubs they are now.
Still debating what to do with the Zoanthid collection. I have 20 3/4" plugs many are overgrown and need to be fragged but Im juts not motivated and until a get decent light over the JBJ RL20 the colors on them will continue to wash out. I may sell them to the LFS for store credit.

I may post a few pics later when I get home
Picked up 7 new frags from a FB sps guy. Some good basic sps. Fire digi and Easter egg is nice. I am acclimating them as I burned the heck out of a yellow Bennett placing it too high too fast. Still learning this tank. I have managed to keep everything stable for months now.


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LFS got some large Tube Anemonies that I couldn't pass up. This one reminds me of a Sunflower.


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Got 3 new frags all dipped and placed. I am going to try to put them in their permanent spots and see how they do. JF Solar Flare Millipora, JF Sour Twist Acro and, RR Pink Cadillac. Grow sticks grow.


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