Slow 240G Kitchen Divider - Bahrain LED mixed Reef


Hi all,

I have been in this hobby in and out since as long as I remember. But never did I dare to jump to a reef tank due to not having the right equipment available where I live nor did any of our LFS bring proper SPS or LPS. But like all of us, it's a dream for me to have one up and running. I use to keep FOWLR and most of my equipment is ordered from US or UK. Mostly UK which by the way I'm paying double for what I could get in the US. "œExpensive Hobby" - Reason is that they are on 240V like us unlike US 110V.

Initially I have planned a bigger build 500+, but unfortunately due to the design of the new house I had to change and downsize. (I have only moved here a month ago hence this will be a slow build).

Have to go with a mixed reef, only because our LFS doesn't bring everything and have to buy/get whatever is available. Cannot order live stock unfortunately and we are not lucky to have people exchanging/selling frags and stuff.

I have my live rock from my previous tank or should I say dead rock since it's been sitting for a year in the garage.

Tank is being built by me (hope it holds) and dimensions are as below:

Tank Dimensions are:

60" L x 26" H x 25" W (12mm glass) = 170 Gallons

Sump Dimensions are:

36" L x 26" H x 16" W (12mm glass) = 45 Gallons

Refugium dimensions are:

19" L x 16" H x 18" W (10mm glass) = 24 Gallons

Equipment List:

Skimmer: Deltec AP902 & MR-2 from my previous tanks - still haven't decided on which to put on.
Neptune JR which will be controlling the lighting using the X-10's and PH and Temp. (until APEX works with 240V)
Lighting "“ DIY, ordered from RapidLed yesterday. (72 Leds 2:1 Ratio, hope it give me the 20K look and 8 U.V leds)
Deltec KM500 Kalk Stirrer
Calcium reactor "“ Korallin C1502
Resun Chiller - rated for only 100G only (don't think I will have an issue since the house is centrally cooled)
Circulation "“ Boyu WM-3 (4 pumps will be used). (Temporary solution until I get some Ecotech's / Tunzes)

Any advise or help/advise on the build will be highly appreciated


This is where the Tank will be from front



From Back



Here is the tank being built




Tank being filled with fresh water for any leak test



And it Holds - so far - waiting for the 24 hrs to confirm
Excuse my sketch up skills but would like your opinion guys on the below - will it work if I do the overflow this way - extending the pipe down and up again and down to the sump. Will it siphon.


I am guessing that you have already made sure that your kitchen counter can bear the weight of the tank. For the siphon, I think it will work, but you might want to consider hose or spa-flex to reduce drag over such a tortuous route.

Thanks Dave for your input.... The counter is concrete re-enforced with steel and has a 2cm granite counter top so no issues with that and not worried about it. Im afraid of the flow issue - i need some expert advise or a person who did/has the same done.
Nice build..... Tagging along.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

What is the reason you cannot have plumbing like above picture

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Since you have decide to have plumbing extending the pipe down and up again and down to the sump. In this condition I think you have to keep your overflow box little deep, may be similar height as tank. Of course drain at the bottom of overflow box.

Actually what will happen. the water level fluctuation will be high. siphon will work but very slow, until your overflow box get filed. At some point the water will start draining because of up and down plumbing. In simple plumbing let say straight plumbing will immediately release water from overflow.

Up portion will give back flow in plumbing and will cause flood from overflow and from your tank. so for this reason I would make deep overflow box to prevent flood from overflow box or from the tank.

First thanks for joining and thank for the sketch up.

Reason is that if you see the three holes in the picture, they are not high enough - its where i will be locating my sump. Contractor messed up and it slipped by me at the time to be honest. That over 1 foot of concrete, so its going to be difficult to drill it. Wanted an alternative solution but a safe one.:debi:

The up and down overflow will work, but it will probably surge as the water creates a siphon when it pushes out the air to go up and over.

You can break this by putting some vents in place so the pipe breathes.

The vent doesn't have to be large, just a piece of flexible vinyl tubing... perhaps 3/8". Drill the elbow where the overflow pipes come back up at their highest point. And then vent the pipe, straight up, to above the water line in the tank. The vent is going to allow air to pass, not water, so small tubing will work.
The up and down overflow will work, but it will probably surge as the water creates a siphon when it pushes out the air to go up and over.

You can break this by putting some vents in place so the pipe breathes.

The vent doesn't have to be large, just a piece of flexible vinyl tubing... perhaps 3/8". Drill the elbow where the overflow pipes come back up at their highest point. And then vent the pipe, straight up, to above the water line in the tank. The vent is going to allow air to pass, not water, so small tubing will work.

Thanks for your input. Seems logical what your saying. For a peice of mind - do you know any of the tanks here in RC have the same issue and did that.
I have been plumbing together large tanks for myself and my friends for decades. In the last few years I came across this issue on a friends 375g where the dual 2" overflows were cut into the concrete floor of the house to run across the kitchen to the equipment above ground in the garage.

This past summer I helped a friend with a 350g reef, where the overlows (dual 2") we plumbed into a single 3" pipe and then had to go down and then up to line up all the plumbing.

These tanks aren't on Reef Central.
Thanks for your response....very helpful. I will check with the contractor - how hard it is to drill through the 1 foot concrete....otherwise will just do with what you have suggested and take your word for it
Hala abdullah... Thanks. I think it was GE black silicone. You could probably use any type of silicone as long as it does not say "prevents mold and mildew" on it. Dont take my word for it :p
Guys - im still looking for diy chilling ideas. Something like Chingchai's cooling system. (titanium coil hooked to a 1 ton split a.c unit) ..... Want it hooked to a backup generator. Any ideas or sources will be appreciated.
Finally :) I guess you will have to modify a lot drain/return for the Sump, I am sure Jilani will give you some great help on it with his drawings
Finally :) I guess you will have to modify a lot drain/return for the Sump, I am sure Jilani will give you some great help on it with his drawings

Inshalaa but it seems that Jilani yet3azeez and not sending it. :)
I guess we just have to wait what he comes up with cuz seriously im trying to avoid the breaking part.
Working on my sump (using excel-since im at work at the moment :) )
Debating if i should go with acrylic or glass sump. I like the clean look of acrylic sumps but i never worked with acrylic before - zero acrylic experience.

Wanted it simple - suggestions plz.
