sls 250 de bluewave


New member

Currently I'm running a 150 watt ab spacelight. I like the color of my 20k blv bulb but the intensity is not that great. Would replacing the ab pendant with the sls 250 de with 20k make a difference?

I know the sls is a magnetic ballast so would I be downgrading? I'm confused about how can an electronic ballast use less energy than a magnetic. Isn't a light rated at 250 watts use 250 watts of electricity, regardless? Also will the bluewave light itself back up after a power surge since I do get surges once in awhile. Thanks in advance!:rollface:

In the majority of scenario's an electronic ballast will use less power to run a lamp. Most magnetic core&coil ballasts will run a lamp a little brighter/ more intense, however they use more power in doing so. There are 250W lamps that run anywhere from 230watts to 330watts just depending on which ballast they are being ran off of. Typically the higher the wattage the better the output, but the shorter the spectrum life of the lamp.

In your situation a DE 250W 20k BLV would most certainly be more intense/brighter than your 150W unit as long as you are using the same style of reflector. I usually group the SLS, PFO, and AquaMedic reflectors in a category together, as they are the best DE reflectors on the market for focusing light intensity straight down into a tank.