sludge vacume?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6532329#post6532329 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by frank2926
Is this one of those things where the simplest idea is just to easy? and over complicating it is just to much fun?

Instead of vacuuming out the display when doing a water change I just take it out of the sump and then get out the old shop vac.

Some of us are sumpless, and with the ideas above the water is being returned to the tank. Kinda like a powerfilter
sumpless ok then .......I think its this new invention called a gravel vac. its so crazy it just might work.

But the original post was about cleaning the sump.
Hey guys,

I finally got around to putting together a working version of my mini sump vac. I needed something like this to clean out sumps without removing large amounts of water, basically cleaning the detritus out while the tank was still running.

So, I made this thing. It does exactly what I need it to do and was only about $15 for all the parts (excluding the powerhead). It works just like a miniature Mag250 and could even be used with carbon or other media. Here's the pics for those interested.

BTW, I know all about filter socks, gravel vacs, etc. but these dont apply in my particular situation, so I made what I needed.

The Parts

I ended up not using the black rubber o-ring. The jars are food jars from WalMart/Meijer.

The Lid with filter canister attatched

I cut out a bunch of holes in the smaller jar to allow water flow though it and then wrapped it in filter media.

Mini Vac Testing

With an older MJ1000 attached to the top.

Halfway through cleaning the Sump

So far it's working great, with a longer hose I can remove junk from the tank more often without having to do a water change every time.

There are a few more pics in my gallery, and I'll be happy to answer and questions.
An update.

You can see in pic 3 that I added a small length of PVC in the inlet. I have also added one to the outlet inside the smaller jar. I was having problems because the suction was breaking just below the smaller threaded adapter inside the unit (you can actually see this in pic 4).

It's working perfectly now. Thanks for all tips and ideas I've gathered on this site. Its a wealth of information that would have taken years to gather with only personal experience.