Small Introduction :D


New member
Hello NYREEFCLUB! :wavehand:

I hope no one here minds me posting a few shots of my tank here ... but since I am a local (Queens) I figured I would make my presence known. :beer:

I would also love to try and attend one of the meetings, but everything single time I look at the date for them, I have something planned already! :(

Display tank is 150G (If you know Marc aka Questionmarc of Gotfrags? this was his old tank) ... sump is 40G long ... and I am currently having a stand built to install a 20G refugium next to the tank.

Enjoy! :mixed:

BTW I LOVE trading corals when they grow out ... gives you more diversity as well as whoever you are trading with.





you know what dave it is about time I see the tank lol

Ummmm yeah Anthony ... it really is. lol :fish1::lolspin:

You will want to install Halides on your new tank ... jk man. T-5's are awesome too.

Nice tank.... What did you have in mind for trades..... I have stuff :hmm1:

I can frag a bunch of my SPS (acros, monti's, b'nest etcetc), hammers, got a few chalice frags sitting around as well ... I don't really look for anything in particular at this point ... Whatever looks nice. I would frag a piece of the Nepthea ... but the girlfriend would probably slice my head off ... it was in her little tank for a long time ... and when she decided she had had enough of the tank ... I took all the corals ... but she still has an attachment to them! :D

Very nice setup. What kind of equipment are you running.

Here is a link to my tank thread :) It has the equipment listed there.

I am about to upgrade my skimmer(s) ... I REALLY want to get my hands on the ATI Powercone 250 ... but it hasn't been released here in the US yet ... at least to my knowledge (I asked a shop on Long Island to order it for me the SECOND they become available, but that was back in January or so) ... if that doesn't pan out I was thinking of going with one of the ATB Cones.
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That green nepthea is freakn enormous!

How long have you had it for?

hahaha, yeah this thing is a beast ... well it was in my g/f's tank for about 2 years ... then I have had for just over a year ... so just over 3 years ... It started out as a little mini colony ... and then all of a sudden exploded. It literally takes up the entire right corner of the tank ... along with the Green Polyped Toadstool in front of it.

You know something ... if memory serves me correctly ... you met my g/f ... and I have your little Green mandarin from a previous tank you had ... Staaan wasn't your original user name on the "other" site was it?
Oh wow. Yeah.

Sakura is your gf? Stopped by my house like 1 year ago or so already... haha.

How's the spotted mandarin doing?
Oh wow. Yeah.

Sakura is your gf? Stopped by my house like 1 year ago or so already... haha.

How's the spotted mandarin doing?

Yup she is. :) Mandarin is just fine ... wish I could get a pic of him/her ... for some reason my fish were very shy in front of the camera ... usually they LOVE taking pictures.

nice tank dave!! hope to see you soon

Thanks Jarrett!

Yeah man, I hope to come out one of these days to check out your tank! How's everything going with it?
dave how long have we know eachother and I still have those frags you kicked over to me :)

Dude ... it's been well over a year now ... I'd almost say bordering on 2 years ... ... ... :D hahahahaha! Yet you still haven't seen the tank in person ... shame on you! :thumbdown

just messing with ya!
Ayyy How's it going Dave! Tank is looking good as always. Yea that Nepthea is INSANE it's almost as big as me LOL I want a piece of that one day..I was promised one months ago AHEM! LOL You definitely gotta come out to a meet I remember telling you that when I was at your place. It's a really good time bro this Saturday is the next one at Jarrett's office. Hope to see you there.
Welcome!! Post all you want..... everyday... all day!! LOL! See ya soon! Tank is looking nice!

Thank you very much!!! I am keeping my eye out for the next time you frag your War coral!!! :D

Ayyy How's it going Dave! Tank is looking good as always. Yea that Nepthea is INSANE it's almost as big as me LOL I want a piece of that one day..I was promised one months ago AHEM! LOL You definitely gotta come out to a meet I remember telling you that when I was at your place. It's a really good time bro this Saturday is the next one at Jarrett's office. Hope to see you there.

Triggerman is here too?!?!?! NO WAY!! ... where do I place my ballot?! TRIGGERMAN FOR PREZ!!! Yeah dude, I know ... I will definitely take a piece of the nepthea off for ya ... that or the Vortech will hack a few pieces off as it grows closer and closer lol.
Wanted to ask you Dave what your nepthea likes?

I've had one for over 1 year and barely any growth :-(