small topwater fish that do not jump.


I am deciding on one more fish for the tank. 20 gallon tall, 10g sump, display is heavily liverocked. It has a clown, 6line, royal gramma.

What is everyones favorite fish that;

1.) Can't jump through 1/4" net top.
2.) Is topwater or very active
3.) Relatively small

Midas Blenny?
Midas need a bigger tank. Chromis are always nice, there are different varieties. Also look at the different breeds of cardinals.
purple firefish are awsome, theyre known jumpers but shouldnt be able to make it thru 1/4" mesh
I lost a firefish through my 1/4" net. It was happy for months, then was jerkey one morning. I don't want to add something that might get killed needlessly again.

What tank size have you found a midas blenny needs to thrive in?
I think the minimum for a Midas is 30+ gallon. They get pretty big. Not to say you can't put one in a 20. Just some FYI that's all :)
I'll never understand why people have trouble with fish jumping. I have been keeping SW fish for 20+ years and have had 3 jump and that was due to an aggressive fish in the tank who was then removed. If compatibility is considered when selecting the fish they shouldn't be jumping out of the tank unless there is some other problem like stray voltage etc. Fish don't normally jump out of the water for no reason.
I'll never understand why people have trouble with fish jumping. I have been keeping SW fish for 20+ years and have had 3 jump and that was due to an aggressive fish in the tank who was then removed. If compatibility is considered when selecting the fish they shouldn't be jumping out of the tank unless there is some other problem like stray voltage etc. Fish don't normally jump out of the water for no reason.

+1 I just bought 2 of them. Lets hope they don't jump because I don't have a screen of my tank. The only bully right now is my coral beauty.
This is my first ever jumper, been keeping saltwater for 13 years or so.

Since I don't know why it jumped, it seems wrong to try again. No stray voltage.

The 1/4" net didn't work to keep the firefish in. I think it acts as a diffuser of sorts, and the hard shadows from my AI SOL are much better with the net top on than off. Has anyone else noticed the same thing with a clear net top?
Clownfish. Sixline wrasse are small and very active they like to hang out closer to the rocks but once acclimated are VERY active and they add a nice little addition to your tank, they are pretty little things that swim by.
Clownfish. Sixline wrasse are small and very active they like to hang out closer to the rocks but once acclimated are VERY active and they add a nice little addition to your tank, they are pretty little things that swim by.

Sorry but I would never recommend a six-line to anyone. They are mean little bastards.:uzi:
The sixline you already have will most likely pick on any future additions. Should have added him last
Thanks for the info on 6lines. The 6line is tiny tiny still. What are your opinions on itmand a mandarin? I would buy a big farm raised blue mandarin.
I never had a problem with my six line wrasse picking on any fish and I had him in with tangs, clownfish, and engineer gobies and he grew to be pretty big. I read they are really good at keeping down potential pests in the rocks.

And sorry I didn't see that you already had a sixline!

I love schools of chromis, but I have never been able to keep any! They all die on my for some reason.

Just because your tank is small I think the midas blenny would be a good choice!
I think I will just enjoy it how it is for now.

A 20 tall with
Royal gramma
Blood red shrimp
Yellow sea cucumber
Sea hare
5 or 6 astraea snails
2 nassarius snails

I took down my big tanks so my primary goal with this setup is to keep my existing livestock alive, get all the phosphates to leech out of the rocks, and be a corraline/ pod farm for when I setup another large tank.

I am building a refugium, hooking up a gfo reactor, and plan on 60% weekly water changes to try to help the phosphates out of the rock. It is over 13 years old so it probably has significant levels. I just didn't want to kill all the bristleworms/ peanut worms and life on them. I have done a vinegar bath and bleach bath on all the other rocks from the tank, and they are drying in the sun until my next build.

Would a brittle star have any issues with the 6line picking on it?