Snail eggs in intricate pattern?


I've never seen this before. 3 days ago I found this on my glass. I'm guessing nassarius snail eggs? How on earth does a snail make these intricate designs!? Any chance they might hatch?

I dose phyto daily (home cultured) assuming that will support their nutritional needs. Looking for any info TIA
Definitely looks like snail eggs. Aren’t their designs awesome?

Anyway, the only snails I’ve seen successfully raised is Trochus. Can’t say I’ve seen others (doesn’t mean there aren’t any) but usually fish will get to the eggs in my experience.
Wow, I've never seen that pattern of snail eggs, very cool. Like Shane said, likely the fish will eat the eggs or when/if they hatch, the free swimming larvae will become food for filter feeders and/or removed from the water by filtration and skimming.