Snaza II T5 - 60x32x20 DT + 52x16x8 FT

Sweet Tank!! What bulb combo are you using and how will you maintain ALK, CAL and MAG? Reactor, 2 part?
Picture is hard to read the numbers, am I correct that your overflow is 140cm long, 11cm deep and I am not sure how high, with a 5cm space between it and both edges of the tank?
and 5cm eurobracing that are on the top of rim of the tank, and recessed? Correct?


Did some PAR testing thanks to Tone

60x33x21 with 10 x 54w PM about 10inch above water. fan speed is 6v and 5 bulbs are 2 months old the the other 5 are 7 months. 5B+, 4AB and 1Fiji


Few findings;

1. with fan speed set to 12v lost about 10% par
2. with fans turned off lost about 10% par


Small update.

Added another 200ml or Ecobak. ordered another tunze 6105 and 7096 controller.

ALL CYANO is finally gone and things are starting to colour back up.

few pics






Only a new tank so waiting for it to mature. got a coral beaty, blue and yellow tang. I'll start stocking fish in a couple months.
Just checking in on you buddy. Haven't heard from you in a bit.. I hope all is well..
Hey mate,

Been flat our with renovations around the house so tank hasn't had much love. Had an issue with the biopelets and flow though the reactor. had massive algae bloom and tank went white for a few days. lots most of my sps. I haven't actually bought any corals for this tank yet, just moved what i had from the other tank.

Next issue which i'm battling at the moment is with temp. Got 3 x 300W heaters but since the sump is under the house in a cold laundry i'm having real trouble keeping it warm enough. Might have to get some more heaters.

gonna spend some time this weekend doing some long deserved husbandry. should be back on track soon (I hope)
Sorry to hear about your misfortune with the coral Bro., but your habitat is primary! once you get yourself settled from the reno.. things will become clearer as to what you need to do. Looking forward to seeing this tank become one of the best!

Is there any way to build a small insulated room around the sump to control the temp better? Does this make any sense?

I really like the dimension of your tank.
Any update?
What is the thickness of the glass on your tank?
Hey guys,

glass is 1/2inch starfire.

Replaced all my base rock with New fresh live rock about 6 weeks ago and my tank is looking much better. i'm back to basics now. No pellets, no dosing.

Just 2 part dosing and bit of carbon and my skimmer.

hopefully 2012 is better (-: