so i went to fragstravaganza!


New member
my duncan :D

my green cap

my purple/lavender cap

and my sweet echino

def some good buys at the fragstavaganza this week!!
Wow those are some sweet frags. I'm glad that fragstravaganza worked out well. I can't wait to hear from others as well, as I know that more than just you said they would be going.

Great catches :)
Those frags are really nice. I really wanted a Duncan but
I could just not make it to the store in time.
I left class a little early and raced over there but Amazing Reef Life was closed at 7:55pm. I thought he closed at 8pm and I could catch a glimpse of the fragstravaganza but I guess I'll have to wait till next week.

Looks like some sweet coral frags. How much was the duncan?

i thought it was very fairly priced at 15, for a duncan thats a good deal.

all the others were just 5.

there was a few heads of the duncan left when i left the store around 7
Good to see you there, 'steve.
I was tempted to get some Duncan, but walked away instead with a piece of a beautiful white acro with blue tips that came with a matching teeny tiny crab. I can't wait to get a shot of that. Also a lavender monti cap frag like the one 'steve got that I glued to the back wall of the tank. I'll post some pics as soon as possible.
Re: I'm easily tempted.

Re: I'm easily tempted.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11325858#post11325858 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
[/IMG] :D

I was just looking yesterday at them at a online store:

Nice find, looks like yours has 12 POLYPS, i hope to have my new tank finally up this weekend, so i have been looking on line to find just right corals for me. I want to jump in on Pat's SPS when he gets them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11326556#post11326556 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
what time does this start?

Starts at 5, and Pat said that it would close when people stopped coming. I'm guessing that it slowed down around 7-7:30 cause Matt stopped by at 7:55 and the store was closed and noone was there.

Those are definitely some nice corals to be had there. I'm excited for when I'll be around to start swinging by. It's just so far for me to drive, but for the prices is worth it I suppose.
You would have to call Pat and ask. He posted on here last week of what to expect, but the mods didn't appreciate it much, so who knows if he'll post again. Best bet is to call.
okay...thanks for the information..about how long before would you say that he's likely to know
Everyone should definitely check out Fragstravaganza and the new store...Pat's a great guy and can use the support.

Unfortunately, I don't think he'll be posting on RC anytime soon....
call him and he will add you the the email list. He is only one of a few stores using email to get their message on whats in stock. I think they all should be using this free service. I would like to know that a store "any store" is getting an shipment of new SPS or clams etc.. this Friday. I feel Pat is doing a great job on marketing with the emails. Not one store in Dade county has ever email me. I mean don't they want the business? LOL OK i am now ranting why do i have to drive to eastern broward to get a sps or a good looking clams? and what about ORA corals i have to drive 45 minutes to buy a 1 inch ORA frag. Sorry for O.T. topic rant.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11329062#post11329062 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
What's Pat's email address that we can email him to get on the list? or is there a site for the new store?

i PM you his email address. At the last Tuesday's meeting they mention that someone was going to update the clubs LFS list soon, i think Pat's info is outdated.