so went to my lfs today as they were having their 25% off sale and couldn't resist picking up my salt water test kit.... well... i ended up leaving with much more.. well maybe not much but i ended up leaving with a 1/2 inch pistol shrimp! Yes yes i know i wasn't prepared, but alas let me explain! As i was making my rounds staring at all their wonderful coral, Chad (not his real name, biut we shall say it is. He is the main saltwater dude) came up to me with a tied off bag and said this (paraphrasing of course): "So we found this blue pistol shrimp and we cant keep him in our tanks so would you like him?".
How could you not turn that down? However I knew I didnt even have a tank started/ready! But surely i could find something to keep him in so his life doesnt end as a miserable dried out raisin of a pistol shrimp in the bottom of a garbage bag! So i said yes, gave my mom a headache, and said: "Off we are to the Smart of Pets! Bring me thy chariot!" Of course i was already in the car so the last part was irrelevant. Anyways so originally went home put some sand in a critter keeper with 5$ worth of LR rubble and tossed the little guy in. Went out to petsmart found a 3gallon acrylic tank with filter/leds for only 30$ on sale from 50$. Thought it would be a heck of a bit better and purchased it along with a 10w heater, argonite sand, and salt. So all in all im sitting here waiting for 2 more gallons of ro/di water and then stir it up with some salt... here have some pics!
Heres the little guy in the critter keeper-
all of the new stuff-
New tank in position-
The little guy in the half filled new tank...water is cloudier than it appears in the picture..and yeah its a bad picture because of how small he is-
How could you not turn that down? However I knew I didnt even have a tank started/ready! But surely i could find something to keep him in so his life doesnt end as a miserable dried out raisin of a pistol shrimp in the bottom of a garbage bag! So i said yes, gave my mom a headache, and said: "Off we are to the Smart of Pets! Bring me thy chariot!" Of course i was already in the car so the last part was irrelevant. Anyways so originally went home put some sand in a critter keeper with 5$ worth of LR rubble and tossed the little guy in. Went out to petsmart found a 3gallon acrylic tank with filter/leds for only 30$ on sale from 50$. Thought it would be a heck of a bit better and purchased it along with a 10w heater, argonite sand, and salt. So all in all im sitting here waiting for 2 more gallons of ro/di water and then stir it up with some salt... here have some pics!
Heres the little guy in the critter keeper-

all of the new stuff-

New tank in position-
The little guy in the half filled new tank...water is cloudier than it appears in the picture..and yeah its a bad picture because of how small he is-