so why did you start collecting zoa's ?


skimmer freak
well 6 years or so ago i started my first reef after a 10 yr mia and back then i wouldnt have called it a reef lol pair of clowns and a anenome stuck in my window with some crappy pc lighting and a hob filter,
well after moving to NY from the midwest { man i miss the country accents } i got into keeping cichlads, and just kept seeing all the reefs at the store and all the zoa's they use to get in, 50-100 polyp colonies for 35-65 and the really nice colonies were maybe $85 so after a talk with my fiance and getting the go ahead my fw tank went out the door and in came a 29g system with hob fuge hob skimmer and so on, and off i was in collecting zoa's till i ran out of room with the colonies, fortunate early on in the hobby i found my local online forum MR and met a few decent honest reefers. learnt what frags were so i started to beg my lfs to frag some of the zoa colonies so i could buy more and more of them lol and started to frag some of my colonies just so i could get more different morphs into my tank.
well fast forward 6 years and i am still into them as much as back then but also got the colored stick bug as my current tank is half zoa half sps. i have cut back alot on my zoa's and think i am down to just 25 morphs.
over the years id say i have had atleast 200 different morphs and use to love finding the bland one's just to see what they would turn into, personally i think the most i ever paid for a zoa was 3 polyps of darth mauls and i paid $50 for those and have done that 3 or 4 times with different one's. i almost have to laugh now days seeing a single polyp sell for $50+ with the rate they grow i could have retired if i was into doing this. if you need a macro lense and led to see what it really looks like then it isnt worth paying crazy money for, my friends dont come over and say hey let me see the magnifying glass to check those out. im am by no means against the names for them as it is nice to say a name and know which morph is being talked about, but that same zoa wont look the same in everyone's tank.
well i guess to sum it up why i got into zoa's was just all the different colors and the way they grew like carpet over my rocks, one day i will do a all zoa tank again, hmmm maybe i could just start putting them all in my seahorse tank.
Zoas were all i could afford when i first started out in 1997 in the $5.00 bin at the LFS.. ever since then i have been in love......
I've begun collecting zoas because they're beautiful-- so varied and intense and interesting and when in big numbers are absolutely breath-taking. Outside of the reef tank, I'm an accomplished gardener and when I plan on how and where to grow my zoas, I feel like I'm planning a garden.

Also...yeah...they're fairly cheap and I don't have an overly big tank and I don't live to support my tank so I'm thankful to have these zoas as the perfect reef-growing tool!
I got into zoas and palys as soon as i set my first reef tank up in 2003. I worked at a local fish store at the time, and i remember waiting oh so impateintly for the new orders to come in just so i could see what colonies came in. It didnt matter to me what color they were, often times the less colorful specimens proved to be the most enjoyed. As i would get them in my tank and color them up to their full potential.
There just isn't anything like a beautiful mat of 1000 zoa or paly polyps wiggling in the current, fully opened, with stunning colors.

Unfortunately, it seems today people collect them for their designer names and street value... Only to be cut and sold on the streets like crack.
They " WERE " cheap and plentiful, for the price before you could get a whole colony of beautifully colored coral which morphs in you tank depending in tank conditions and grew very quick. I could get what as everyone else was collecting and concentrating on SPS and LPS.
Yeah agreed they were cheap but now I'm buying zoas for over $100 per polyp. Dont even ask me

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Yeah agreed they were cheap but now I'm buying zoas for over $100 per polyp. Dont even ask me

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I just have to ask why dude?... If you pay the prices the gougers are asking, you are just fueling the fire... It will only cause things to get worse...
I just have to ask why dude?... If you pay the prices the gougers are asking, you are just fueling the fire... It will only cause things to get worse...

Even though some prices are ridiculous it is his money and because he can.
I love zoanthids since they have so many color variations. They are also one of the first corals I started with and probably might even be the last. Kinda like what they say about kohaku for begins and ends with them.
You are right it is his money. However, just because you can, most certainly does not always mean you should.

True in many cases but in this particular case of coral buying someone initially will have to pay prices of what is asked. Are they inflated? sure we all know that. Are there more like that in the ocean? I would bet money on it. Is there as many of "special duper ultimate lohan I will never seen jail Paly's" as there are eagle eyes in home aquaria? not at first.

I can remember when UC came out they were 195 PP. I bought a 4 polyp frag a month or so after they came out for 100 and let it grow out to over a dozen before I lost it. It even came from the guy that introduced them on RC haha. Now you can find them for 20pp if you look around. I predict the same for spacemonsters. Heck I got a couple dozen of them and babies come about it seems almost every other day. Just wait a while and these high dollar types will become cheaper and cheaper.

Many of the reefers that I know in person that buy these types and do sell some frags always seem to sell them cheaper than what they paid. I also follow this.
I know this topic is about collecting/collectors according to the title, but I wouldn't consider myself to be either. I would say that I'm a coral grower, zoa/paly keeper or just a dedicated reefer.

They were the only corals to intrigue me and they grew like crazy for me with every purchase.

I agree with everyone else in that they were so affordable back then. An entire colony as the OP said of 100 polyps of anything was $ 35 to $ 65 dollars and football size rocks for $ 85 which encompassed nearly 200 polyps. Then came names, lies and hype.......and here we are.

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please lets not get this to the direction every other thread has went on, if people are willing to pay shame on them in my book, but dont want my thread leading to the same arguements that have destroyed this forum. i will try ti post some pic's of my zoa gardens ive had through different tanks over the last 6 years. as many different colored crayons ive had nothing compares to the color mats of zoa's ive had
I began collecting zoas because they are fairly easy to keep and they bring so much color to the tank.
Wow. Just because I can afford nice things in my tank I get hung out to dry here. In my book you are the reason they are so expensive. You are all too cheap to have nice corals. Grow up this isnt a cheap hobby. Maybe you should stick to fresh water.

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Wow. Just because I can afford nice things in my tank I get hung out to dry here. In my book you are the reason they are so expensive. You are all too cheap to have nice corals. Grow up this isnt a cheap hobby. Maybe you should stick to fresh water.

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Come on man, that was low... However, I will not take it as an insult.
You dont have to have alot of money to have nice things in your tank. Just because polyps are sold at $100 a pop does not mean they are nicer than my colony of crazy blues i paid $30 for. Oh and for your information, you can spend just as much on frestwater, as you can on saltwater. Simply put, spending more money does not make you a better reefer and does not mean the corals in your tank are any better than any of ours...
Lets get back on topic...
I still collect zoas because they're cheap. Cheaper than most other corals and a lot less expensive to keep alive. Really have a good bang for the buck.

Funny to see you on the defense when you started the whole thing. I never said I was better just dont tell me that I'm stupid for having nice corals. To each their own but dont belittle me for spending some cash.
Come on man, that was low... However, I will not take it as an insult.
You dont have to have alot of money to have nice things in your tank. Just because polyps are sold at $100 a pop does not mean they are nicer than my colony of crazy blues i paid $30 for. Oh and for your information, you can spend just as much on frestwater, as you can on saltwater. Simply put, spending more money does not make you a better reefer and does not mean the corals in your tank are any better than any of ours...
Lets get back on topic...

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My husband and I started collecting them because of the color combinations and the growth patterns. :) They are particularly my hubby's favorite.
Funny to see you on the defense when you started the whole thing. I never said I was better just dont tell me that I'm stupid for having nice corals. To each their own but dont belittle me for spending some cash.

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Brother, I never said u were stupid, u said that yourself... I would never tell anyone that... I may not agree with the practices of some, but i would never go so low as to name call. You are the one who called us all too cheap to have nice corals, and we are the problem the prices on corals are sooo high. Which I still cannot wrap my head around... If we dont buy them, how are we contributing to the price hike?
However, I simply said spending more money does not mean your corals are nicer or better looking than mine... Nothing more, nothing less.