Sock filter yes or no?

Sock filter yes or no?

  • Yes, I use a sock filter

    Votes: 30 61.2%
  • No, I do not use a sock filter

    Votes: 19 38.8%

  • Total voters


New member
1. Yes - I use a sock filter in my sump
2. No - I do not use sock filters

I have tried to ask this question earlier in the form of a post and nobody responded so I will try a poll.
No! Detritus breaks down to Phosphate/nitrate much faster in a high flow environment like that.

I'm running a BB SPS system and I wouldn't run my system without filter socks.

I try to keep my tank low nutrient so I siphon the BB weekly. By doing so, I feel that I don't give the detritus to break down to harmful elements such as nitrates and phosphates.

Why would I go through the trouble to keep my starboard free of detritus but have my sump covered in this crap? I don't. I change my filter socks every few days because they get so nasty. I could not imagine what the bottom of my sump would look like if I weren't running socks. I'm a clean freak so I guess that helps push me towards socks.

I siphon the sump much less frequently than the display so if I were not using filter socks, all that detritus would just sit in the bottom of my sump and break down to NO3 and PO4. This is exactly what I don't want.

So.....Yes, filter socks here!

I have enough flow to kick the deatris out of the main tank, so it settles in the sump, then I syphon the sump weekly. Same thing you are doing, just backwards and sockless.


You're exactly right! I'm just too lazy to siphon the sump so I'd rather change out the socks every few days.
I used to run them on both bb systems for all water entering the sump. Now I only run them on the output of the skimmers. The skimmers suck up most of the detritus and spit it out into the socks.
i use them all over my sump.. why would i want to send dirty water back into the tank... filter socks help to fix that problem....
WHen I get a detritus problem, I take a square of blue-white filter medium and a rubber band, and wrap same around my filter intake protection cone. I remove it in a day or so, before there's a nitrate problem, and since my fuge is down there and needs to get pods up to the tank.
Filter SOCK!? My sump uses FOUR of them!


Photo by Brent Barr