Solid frozen foods and Selco?


New member
I was wondering if soaking whole frozen food in Selcon would work as well as soaking other frozen foods like brine or mysis. My snowflake eel will only take frozen chunky squid and chopped shrimp chunks and I was hoping to try to add a bit more vitamins in his diet. I've also been trying embedding pellets into the shrimp chunks but they mostly fall out when he's thrashing them around.
IMO soaking any frozen foods in selcon isn't really that effective, best to use it for soaking pellets or making DIY blender "mush". By all means go ahead and soak all you want in it, it's not going to hurt anything but only very small amounts if any will be absorbed by frozen foods, just kinda wasteful if you ask me.
IMO soaking any frozen foods in selcon isn't really that effective, best to use it for soaking pellets or making DIY blender "mush". By all means go ahead and soak all you want in it, it's not going to hurt anything but only very small amounts if any will be absorbed by frozen foods, just kinda wasteful if you ask me.

That's why I was asking, I wasn't sure if it would soak into it effectively. I have some that I use to soak pellets and mysis already so I figured I'd see if it would work at all. Thank you
I soak all my frozen in selcon, add tank water, mix thoroughly, then add all of it into the tank.

I would agree with C.Eymann though that hardly any actually soaks into the frozen.