some acros growing, not mille?


Staff member
RC Mod
My acros are doing pretty well. My lps are doing well. Slimer, tenuis, aculeus, digitata, foliosa all doing well and growing. No growth from the millepora and not a great deal of happiness from the pocillopora at the moment, though it is healthy---not great polyp extension. Good general light, millepora up 15 inches under mh, pocillopora on bottom.
Suggestions welcome.

52 gal, 250mh 10000k, seaswirl, 9.5 mag.
cal 400
alk 8.3
mg. 1200
sal 1.025
temp 80
nitrite/trate/amm 0,0,0
phosphate: no test. Do have vallonia.
My poci had similar issues. I think too much flow hurt mine. I had it up high in med/high flow. I moved it down and then back up but in less flow and it is finally really taking off. The second thing that has helped is all my corals have really colored up and grown since starting amino acids 8 weeks ago. It seems the amino acids really helped the poci kick start its growth.

My millis like high light and flow.
I have found Mille to be extremely sensitive to PO4 where as some coral don't seem to mind a little of it. Get a test kit.
I've noticed milles will grow slow at first. Once they put a nice base down, they will take off. If it is a new piece, give it time. If your other acros are growing well and keeping their color fine, I wouldn't think it would be a PO4 issue. You can always try moving it to another location. I've had corals grow slow in one spot yet fast in another.
I keep my mille's in high flow...they love it. Also, you might want to up your calcium and magnesium a bit...since I brought my mag up I have lots better growth. That valonia will take off pretty quick. The best bet for getting rid of it is a MALE emerald crab. Your lfs should be able to tell the difference. The male looks like he has the Washinton Monument on the underside of his shell whereas the female looks like the Capitol Building. Crazy, I know, but it's an easy way to remember. GL, Marcye
Two great sources of amino acids are Selcon and Kent's Zoe Marine. I use both religiously to soak food in and I feed a few drops of the Selcon a couple times a week to my refugium to fatten up my pods.
I use Seachems Reef Complete. My thinking is my Deltec was oveskimming and removing some needed proteins. So far the limited dosing has worked very well. I take the weekly dose and divide it into 2 half dosings/wk.
do you turn off your skimmer when adding the reef complete?

I have added it here and there and my skimmer goes nuts.
I had a blue milli frag in my tank for close to 6mos and I noticed VERY little growth at all. I mean < 1/4" IF THAT. Then all of the sudden (within the last six weeks) its one of the fastest growers in my tank. It has put down a nice bas and now the braches have grown I'd say close to 1" in the last 6weeks. Pretty amazing actually.

I've heard this same scenario happen time and time again from lots of people. Just be patient, thats what I'd say.