some new pic's of my tank.

Crusty Old Shellback

Premium Member
I had to do a bit of rearranging as things are growing too big. The first pic is of how teh tank looked before. I still have the large toadstool but he now resides in my 400 G Tank. The large green bubble will be moved to that tank as well this weekend as he's getting too big.

From Sept 04

Oct 05 pics

That would be three fuzzy mushrooms. the original came in as a hitchhicker on a zoo rock I got years ago. One day it split and then the mother died. I've been slowly nursing it to keep it alive. Then one day, it got close to a yumma and got burned. I had almost lost hope until I noticed one day that it was splitting due to the burn. I was hopeing they would both survive. Next thing I know, I now have three.

The color is more blue than the pic's shows, bad camara or operator. It looks like your basic mushroom but the fuzzy part, nodules, actullay branch into a T at the end and are blue. I haven't seen any more anywhere since I got mine so I kind of keep a good watch on him and his condition. I've had him for about 4 years now.

You can see him a little better in the second and thrid zoo pic's on the upper right in the second and middle left in the third. It is a really nice deep blue/purplish color.
Interesting. I used to have that wrasse too (the one that sleeps in the sand) and my clams had always died for no good reason. I found out later from LiveAquaria that they may not be compatible. I noticed your clam is closed. How have they been getting along?
The more hexagon tanks I see the more I like them. Is there anything different in a hex tank as opoosed to the rectangles as far as care?
kappaknight said:
Interesting. I used to have that wrasse too (the one that sleeps in the sand) and my clams had always died for no good reason. I found out later from LiveAquaria that they may not be compatible. I noticed your clam is closed. How have they been getting along?

I was just about to shout, that wrasse and clams usually don't do well together.

wrasses tend to feast on clams...
OK as for the red coris wrasse/clam issue. The wrasse came from a friends tank. From there it went into another friends sump for a while before I could get it. The only problem that the first owner had with him, and me too, is that they can move rocks about three times their size. They do this looking for food. Other than that, he's been a model citizen.

Some of this is due, I think, in my pholosophy (sp) of how I maintain my tanks. I keep my fish well fed in the belief that if they know who's feeding them and they get plenty of food, they won't go around looking for food elsewhere, ie corals and clams. This has seemed to work for me for 7+ years as I've never had any of my fish bother any of my corals. Knock on wood!

The down side to this, for some anyways is the excess nutrients in the tank that have to be delt with. But it works for me. I have a ton of small sponges and musscles that came in as hitch hickers and they are doing well feeding on the extra nutrients in the water. ;)

The biggets problem with a hex is trying to set up you equipment. Ever try making a sump for a hex stand? I did once. As for my tank, I keep it very simple. HOB prizm skimmer, LR, LS, a few well hidden powerheads, heater, and lights.
The second biggest problem is aquascaping in that you can potentily have 5 sides to view from. Mine is set up with rock on 2 1/2 sides in a simi-circle. I like teh way it has turned out. Over the years, I've tried several different ways, from this to a basically V pointing out from the back wall.
Third is trying to find hoods/lights for the tank. I made my own canopy, bought a Jebo 4 X 55W PC setup and disassembled it so that I could use the ballast, lights, and reflector. I have since added in the 175W Mh bulb and converted the PC to all atinic bulbs. It's a tight fit in the hood but it works and I now have my first SPS coral and clam in the tank. The tanks are different, but can be fun to work with. ;)

The bubble has a skeleton that is in a U shape that if streached out would be about 10" long. When he was fully open in the tank, he was about a 12" across ball. Last night I moved him out and into my 400G tank to give him more room to grow. When I removed him, he weighed about 10 pounds. I also noticed that his skeleton is starting ro grow outwards from the U, kind of like an umbrella opening. It will be interesting to see how that develops not that he has more room. I've had him going on 7 years now.
The bubble has a skeleton that is in a U shape that if streached out would be about 10" long. When he was fully open in the tank, he was about a 12" across ball. Last night I moved him out and into my 400G tank to give him more room to grow. When I removed him, he weighed about 10 pounds. I also noticed that his skeleton is starting ro grow outwards from the U, kind of like an umbrella opening. It will be interesting to see how that develops not that he has more room. I've had him going on 7 years now.

Ten pounds:eek: . Man, that's awesome.

By the way, I'm ex Navy myself. Not as long as you though:D . Sometimes whish I would have stayed enlisted. Thanks for you service.
Very nice. There must be a lot of "snot" in the water to skim with all of those big corals. What brand of HOB skimmer are you using?
Thanks KRP;)

Joey, It's a very simple system. I use a prizm HOB w/the surface skimmer attachment. I chang about 50% of the water every few weeks w/ NSW. I clean the skimmer cup about twice a week.
Nope. He's still in the tank and doing fine. Only thing he "bothers" is picking up rocks and tossing them around looking for food in the sand. No big deal, I just can't leave any small frags in the sand to grow out, have to move them to the sump growout tank. ;)
I have to say the pictures make that tank look much nicer than a door shot. Maybe someday I'll get a chance to see it much closer. :)